In Chaiya I have stimulation of abusing sex since 4 days now. When I look out of my door it is coming from opposite a little to the left.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside.
When I think over this programming to accept mainstream. this MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, that is terrorism, the proper term should be terrorism of the state.
There are no laws on this in Germany and no federal laws on this in the US.
As long as there are no laws and no means readily available for law enforcement to find out such crimes (detect) and get the criminals or other ways are used to stop such crimes the state terrorism will go on,
As long as there are no laws and no means readily available for law enforcement to find out such crimes (detect) and get the criminals or other ways are used to stop such crimes the state terrorism will go on,
Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
When I notice this programming to accept mainstream. That is terrorism by mainstream.
This MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, That is terrorism. They destroy my life and have fun with it. Such is a disorder of society.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside. There no laws on this in Germany related and no federal laws on this in the US.
Also because of this I think the mainstream is in part a terrorist rule. We need a new war on terrorism.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.
Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
When I notice this programming to accept mainstream. That is terrorism by mainstream.
This MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, That is terrorism. They destroy my life and have fun with it. Such is a disorder of society.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside. There no laws on this in Germany related and no federal laws on this in the US.
Also because of this I think the mainstream is in part a terrorist rule. We need a new war on terrorism.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.
Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
When I notice this programming to accept mainstream. That is terrorism by mainstream.
This MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, That is terrorism. They destroy my life and have fun with it. Such is a disorder of society.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside. There no laws on this in Germany related and no federal laws on this in the US.
Also because of this I think the mainstream is in part a terrorist rule. We need a new war on terrorism.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.
Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
When I notice this programming to accept mainstream. That is terrorism by mainstream.
This MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, That is terrorism.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside. There no laws on this in Germany related and no federal laws on this in the US.
Also because of this I think the mainstream is in part a terrorist rule. We need a new war on terrorism.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Ich bin eine Weile in Malaysia. Eine Woche hatte ich Ruhe vor irgendwelchem hintenrum Aeger und Terror dann ging es wieder los.
Die letzten Tage startete es wieder mit Programmierung in meine Traeume und Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex.
Stimmen die ich nicht fuer meine halte verursachen wieder Aerger. Ich weiss nicht wo dies herkommt.
Auch als ich vorher in Malaysia war es teilweise auch der Fall das geschickt manipuliert und schikaniert wurde ueber irgendwelche Strahlung.
Ich bin abgeneigt nach Thailand zu fahren weil dort wo ich meine Wohnung habe Leute sind die problematisch fuer mich waren und es wohl auch weiterhn sein werden.
Dort hatte ich die massivste Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex die ich abgesehen von Penang in den Anfangsjahren sonst nirgendwo erlebt habe. Das ist viel besser geworden aber die Neigung der Leute gerade wenn es um sadischen Sex geht ist da.
Ich war in der letzten Zeit depressiv.
Nun habe ich entdeckt das Programmierung mich davon abgehalten hat viel zu meditieren, das Programmierung sich gegen mein Englischlernen richtet und das Programmierung mich allgemein niederdrueckt. Hirnwaesche also,ueber irgendwelche Strahlung , das meiste in Thailand. Ich weiss nicht ob dieses auch woanders stattgefuenden haette . In Deutshland hat der Hintenrumterror und MC gegen mich begonnen in anderen Laendern in Europa fand er auch statt.
Mit Deprogrammierung kann ich hoffentlich die Programme rauswerfen.
Wenn ich dies die letzte Zeit versucht hatte wurde nicht anschliessend wieder gegenprogrammiert.
Ich habe nach laengerer Zeit schweren Terrors in Thailand angefangen geistige Fehler zu machen, Denkweisen die Niedergeschlagenheit foerdern etablierten sich, besser gesagt ich etablierte sie. Jetzt, nachdem ich eine gewisse Zeit weniger Terror hatte wird dies wieder ein Thema ueber das ich nachdenke.
Mir ging es koerperlich eine lange Zeit schlecht. Wenn ich einen 15 minutigen
Spaziergang begann, kam ich nicht weit. Ich setzte mich in ein Cafe. Ich
Meist versuchte ich es gar nicht. Es war mir zuviel.
Das ist die letzte Zeit deutlich besser geworden aber psychisch bin ich noch
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