Sunday, December 29, 2019

Die letzten  3 Tage war ich in Bangkok. Ich hatte dreimal Schikanen ueber Strahlung  Zweimal schwer. Auf der Sttelle auf der rumgelatscht wurde wurde auch schon in Kambodscha herumgelatscht allerdings nur schwach.
Die Thai  Schikanen verschlimmerten bereits existierende Herzschmerzen.Wenn es so weiter geht muss ich Thailand als Bedrohung ansehen.

Monday, December 16, 2019

In a post on  the 9th of December I asked more in general not to
join stimulation of a abusing sex I want to thank people.I did
have such very little. From Cambodians I cannot remember
having had any. Thank you for that.
Today I had harassment including stimulating of abusing sex
in the morning. After that pain for hours on the left side where the heart is. The days before harassment but no heart pain.
Programming  I recognized was sometimes the same what  was offered in online courses in my emailinbox about the same time. This is annoying but could also help me.

Monday, December 09, 2019

Stimulation of abusing sex leads to me being more programmed
to such and attracting it more in daily life.
 I have to counter it more myself but  here where I stay programming is happening during the day. When it has some strength I cannot resist it
and join it. I am anyway emotionally involved in this sex. But the way can only be to work on it to get out of it.I have myself not been  consequent enough in this. I just had voices which said I should speak about the voices  which I had repeatedly to this topic These voices supported repeatedly this sex for me while it was stimulated wanted me to have it.
I ask people not to join stimulating such sex.
For some time I did not have any programming of the democrats.
A few days now I have this again.
It is tried to turn me mentally to a follower of them.
This talk I have in my head is pretty much disturbing, manipulating,
frustrating. I state the voices I also hear are often not my own
They are Mind control technology.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

In Flamingo guesthouse on 16.11 and on 17.11 this year I had heavy 
stimulation of abusing sex in the morning. People can contact  others
with their feelings without touching them. People feel what comes 
from others this way. This day it was exhausting to the degree I 
remaimed in bed for more than half of the day each day. The second 
day I was more exhausted and did not recover to  the state before up
to now. I call it sexual abuse which I want to report to the police.
The first day I noticed three people outside while it hapened. I opened
the door and saw  the black man working in the guesthouse sitting 
outside in front of the door. I heard the voice of one woman staying 
there and the manager at the time it happened.

The second day there were several people active outside as it happened.

The same day in the night I left the guesthouse. I considered it as too 
much of a threat to me.

The way it happened the event looks like something organized with
some intention.
It was Sado Masochism sex which was stimulated.
I have had stimulation of abusing sex for over 20 years. But when it is 
not strong it is bothering me not that much.
I can largely do my daily business. This is not the case when it is heavy
 or very heavy like this time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The letters remain large so I use the machine like this.

in the night i had to do with radiation. i got to feel over a long time Radiation which should turn me  within some time into a social democrat
. I am deprogramming no.w. My radiation has changed tonight  this thing. I do not know what to do against this. I get repeatedly asked to obey.  The radiation intrudes in my head changes my radiation finally me.. I am not prepared for an answer though I have for many years to do with this.
This was weak. I may respond better nowthis is what i notice.
i did not giive the matter the importance it needs. and needed.
i do not understand why i did not to this.. but will i achieve more.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

So ein Implantat habe ich moeglicherweise oder wahrscheinlich auch wenn meine
Ueberwachung nicht durch "Remote Viewing" oder sonstiges geschieht.

Sparda-bank macht Werbung fuer implantierten RFID Chip

Monday, October 21, 2019

The last days I had again sexual harassment and programming
during sleep.  Programming to a social democrat looks as
it gets more complete. That is what I notice I am not sure how
to look at it. First in the morningafter the harassment I am
down and want to stay in bed but when I am after some time
up it is not as bad as I had the last weeks. I was quickly
exhausted back then during the day had bad concentration.
People jump on today which is disturbing and annoying also
when it is not that much.

Monday, September 30, 2019

The first time since my second last post I had again
stimulation of abusing sex.
I woke up sexually stimulated and noticed
 later that SM sex was  progammed. Also the
wake up time was probably decided.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The following vitamin therapy I have been 
using since some years without asking any
 doctor. I had longer breaks with it like the
 last  time and was not every day accurate
 with it.

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 7, 2005 

Mental Health Treatment That Works

(OMNS) Doctors report that mental health problems including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, anti-social and learning disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorders often have a common cause: insufficient nutrients in the brain. Nutritionally-oriented physicians assert that the cure for these problems is to give the body the extra nutrients it needs, especially when under abnormal stress.
Orthomolecular medical researchers say the future of psychiatry is in nutrition because nutrition has such a long, safe and effective history of correcting many mental problems. Nutrients such as the B-vitamins are most successful when taken regularly, taken in relatively high doses, and taken in conjunction with vitamin C, the essential fatty acids (EFA’s), and the minerals magnesium and selenium.
A summary of what has worked for many people follows below. The safety of vitamins and minerals is extraordinary, and the expense of trying them is much less than the cost of hazardous pharmaceutical drugs. These nutrients can be purchased in a discount or heath store.
Taking 1,000 mg of vitamin B-3 three times a day often cures mild to moderate depression. Dramatic results are often achieved within one week of beginning this nutritional program, especially in alcoholics. (1)
Taking this much niacin is very likely to cause a "niacin flush." Other articles at the website discuss this, such as and It is recommended that you always work with your physician with any health program.
Sometimes a simple deficiency of vitamin D causes depression. 3,000 I.U./day from all sources can alleviate the problem. (2)
3,000 mg/day or more of niacin (vitamin B-3), along with the same quantity of vitamin C, taken in divided doses throughout the day can successfully treat both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (3)
Vitamins B-3, B-6, C and the minerals magnesium and zinc frequently produce a good response in ADHD and autistic children. (4)
Vitamins B-6, folate, and B-12 taken together lower elevated homocysteine levels in the elderly while improving mental function. (5)
As pointed out by chemistry professor and vitamin discoverer Roger J. Williams, PhD (6), each individual has different nutritional needs and responds differently to nutrients. Are you tired of being depressed, suffering from anxiety, paying huge prescription drug bills for unsafe prescriptions that don’t solve the problem or produce undesirable side effects? Are you tired of the piece-meal trial and error approach to finding a solution to your mental or emotional problems? If so, adults should consider the following nutritional protocol, which will bathe your brain and nerves in natural nutrients and may well produce dramatic results. The cost of trying the program below is less than the cost of a typical doctor’s office visit. It is safe and convenient. All of these nutrients can be purchased at large discount stores.
After the morning meal take:
  • A multivitamin tablet
  • 1,000 mg of vitamin B-3 (as niacinamide or inositol hexanicotinate)
  • One B-complex tablet
  • 100 mg of vitamin B-6
  • 1,200 mcg of vitamin B-9 (folate or folic acid)
  • 1,000-2,000 IU of vitamin D (the lower number if you get sunshine, the higher number if you don't)
  • 1,000 mg of vitamin C
  • 200 mg of magnesium
  • 50 mg of zinc
  • 200 micrograms (mcg) of selenium
  • 30 grams of soy protein powder and one tablespoon of lecithin granules mixed into a small glass of juice or milk A supplement of omega-3 fatty acids [eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)]
After the midday meal:
  • 1,000 mg of vitamin B-3
  • 1,200 mcg of vitamin folate
  • 100 mg of vitamin B-6
  • One B-complex tablet
  • 1,000 mg of vitamin C
  • 200 mg of magnesium
After the evening meal:
  • A multivitamin tablet
  • 1,000 mg of vitamin B-3
  • 1,000 mg of vitamin C
  • One B-complex tablet
  • 100 mg of vitamin B-6
All of the above supplements are safe in the recommended amounts, as well as inexpensive and convenient. There is not even one death per year from vitamins. Pharmaceutical drugs, properly prescribed and taken as directed, kill over 100,000 Americans annually. Hospital errors kill still more.
Restoring health must be done nutritionally, not pharmacologically. All cells in all persons are made exclusively from what we drink and eat. Not one cell is made out of drugs.
The most common mistake made by people who take vitamins is they fail to take enough vitamins.
The reason one nutrient can cure so many different illnesses is because a deficiency of one nutrient can cause many different illnesses.
What is Orthomolecular Medicine?
Linus Pauling defined orthomolecular medicine as "the treatment of disease by the provision of the optimum molecular environment, especially the optimum concentrations of substances normally present in the human body." Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information:
Take the Orthomolecular Quiz at
The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource.
Editorial Review Board:
Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
Harold D. Foster, Ph.D.
Bradford Weeks, M.D.
Carolyn Dean, M.D. N.D.
Erik Paterson, M.D.
Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D.
Andrew W. Saul, contact person. email:
References for further reading:
1. Hoffer A. Vitamin B-3: Niacin and its amide. Also: Cheraskin E, Ringsdorf WM and Brecher A. Psychodietetics. Bantam Books, 1974.
2. Vieth R, Kimball S, Hu A, Walfish PG. Randomized comparison of the effects of the vitamin D3 adequate intake versus 100 mcg (4000 IU) per day on biochemical responses and the wellbeing of patients. Nutr J. 2004 Jul 19;3:8.
3. Hoffer A. Healing schizophrenia: Complementary vitamin & drug treatments. Toronto: CCNM Press, 2004. Also: Hawkins D and Pauling L. Orthomolecular psychiatry, San Francisco: Freeman, 1973. Also: Hoffer A. Niacin therapy in psychiatry, Charles C. Thomas, 1962.
4. Hoffer A. Healing children's attention and behavior disorders: Complementary nutritional & psychological treatments. Toronto: CCNM Press, 2004. Also: Hoffer A. Dr. Hoffer's ABC of natural nutrition for children. Kingston, Ontario: Quarry Press, 1999.
5. Selhub J, Jacques PF, Wilson PWF, Rush D, Rosenberg IH. Vitamin status and intake as primary determinants of homocysteinemia in an elderly population. JAMA 1993. 270:2693-2698. Also: Verhoef P, Meleady R, Daly LE, Graham IM, Robinson K, Boers GHJ, et al. Homocysteine, vitamin status and risk of vascular disease. European Heart Journal 1999. 20:1234-1244.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The whole last time are signs that my story as MC victim is going on  better than before.
Today I heard voices that I should read about thought reform. This is a topic which matches. Such I also looked up at the very beginning being in MC.
Voices said I could now get out of this I had to do with. It would be possible now.
It was for me not possible for many years. I could not get my\head round to write police reports about what I had to do with. I just could not. It was also that speaking about it was difficult.
I was not believed at the police and the peiple which produced
hopelessness for me. Though I could have done more against this but I did not.
This was weak and prolonged my suffering unnecessarily.
On the other hand I had that much pain, stress, manipulation 
from harassers that I will not blame myself too much.
I hope I can get out of this the next time.
I do not believe easily such voices which also have said a lot of 
nonsense up to now.. The last days I hear in the morning a longer 
talk. Such was not always usual. For some time I heard such a  talk in the morning with something  which made me think from
the very beginning that they are fucking democrats doing it during the day. in this or that way trying to make me their own. That is what they call democrazy Fuck you democrats. Fuck you democrats.At least you do no more pretend to be democrats. To use  modern technology to try to enslave people shows the democrats should label themselves as terrorist organisation.

I say to try to enslave people. I had it some time ago I noticed the control in my mind was with the democrats. I did no nore have
the control with myself in my mind. Any emotional reaction on impressions was judged no more with me so decisions were no more with me.It did not remain like this long
It changed back to me. At least it looks to some degree I have it.
This long talks which I have in my mind most days store informatiom in my head which may be used in the way it was spoken. There is also programming. I once read the newspaper and noticedI have a negative attitude towards Russia, this is new, where is this from. I could locate it and throw it out but not the detail I do no more know now.

Well, the last days I remembered something I could not think of 
really for a long time. Doing meditation. I just could not think of
doing it for a very long time. It was not there. So my immune system got weak and weaker. I had also times when I could not think of learning english. I was doing it every day but then a time
came I could not think of learing english, which I had been doing 
for years.

The lasts time some things go better. The day when Mr Scholz in Germany announced he would apply for the seat of the  chairman of the party of the SPD I tried and I could be more active than before. I could not do much before because of blocking control I think for longer time I just was passive and longer time I felt weak due to sickness.

I could for a longer time not manage to write posts in blogger. I was blocked or innerly not strong enough? I noticed not being able to do other things.
 My stomach is giving me a little pain. Still a little fortunately.
  My heart is worse, weak now

Thursday, May 30, 2019

I find it probable that the programming to a 'Sozialdemokrat'
which I notice for years at least contributes to the forgetfulness
or maybe Alzheimers I have.

Mental weakness was also programmed.  I think ths is the reason
why I could not consciously use my brain well.
The programming included to get me under their control
which they have managed to a degree hic is unclear to me

I could write a lot which I will  hopefully later.

Monday, April 22, 2019

I have what I already in Had Yai. Voices do not allow me to sleep.
repeatedly and will probably bring me in trouble if they go on
 for lnger timehere is also stirring up unrest. The voices are
 technical,  I assume. I hear such stuff like the 'social democrats
 will be the last party on this planet. They will make me work for
 them. The voices are that much that it is hard to use my head calmly.

Friday, April 19, 2019

I ended up on infowars wesite.
There was an article about Assange.
The question was is he an journalist.
There was during the Vietnam war
a journalist who also published secret Material of the
US government which helped end the war. He was
seen as a hero. He said his work would be similar
to what Assange did. Assange would be a journalist.

I was twice on the website infowars. The second time I visted it
the article was removed. I actually visit it
I visited also twice. The second time i visited
the webpage sites I wanted to visit were removed.
.I wanted to use the webpages for a blog entry.
I have voices which want me to stop this online stuff.

I am pissed, well
The USlike most other countries like for instance  Germany this
decided not to regulate Mind Control weapons. Russia has
publicly discussd them and regulated them by laws.
The US  also Germany and other countries which did not
regulate rhese weapons decided with this to become Tyrannies.
The weapons can be used to harm, change or destroy people
without much of traces. And this is what they are doing and
denying with this weapons.
That has to do with western mainstream politics too often
not exceeding junk quality. To escape this we probably have to
overcome western mainstream.

The reason why they go after Assange is probably
the following. Imagine being a Tyrant in government.
You enjoy also doing your crimes. You would find it
rather disturbing a journalist publishing some of
your crimes  you did in secrecy, isn't it.  So publishing
state secrets gets a crime  you really go after. There is
no escaping severe punishment even if or because
crimes of the governmenthave been unveiled.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Terror has stepped up I have sleep deficit o nearly 3 nights.
There are always voices when I try to sleep.
The sexual harassment which stopped happily may be 2 weeks
 or a little more than this has left me burned out with making
mistakes in routine things. They are trying to get my thinking and
acting more under control in details.
For years I tried o get active against this terror.I could not. I ended
up in a depression  after plans to write and get reports to the
bpolicef ailed. I tried it repeatedly but it did not work. I could not
do anything about it. My mindset was too weak about this
I should have improved it.
Now they seem to want such writing
and also to bring me down or a breakdown.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Not long ago I subscribed to a newsletter of Dr Mercola.
The last days I started to consider the newsletter doubtful.
Today I wanted t unsubscribe. But in my gmail account
all posts of Dr Mercola were removed.
This may mean Dr Mercola is anyway connectet to
western medical doctors are for me partly suspicious to
support the system I have to do with. I have to outline
what I mean later.

Saturday, February 02, 2019

This time asleep I had short time but massive stimulation of abusing
 sex. It is probably from people in the guesthouse.
I feel depressed now. The stuff may also be about pressing me
into their desired mental shape. Voices are about this.

Friday, February 01, 2019

voices say they wood be active in some ways today. which would
affect me to a larger degree.
They would have kept awake the night which happened.
I had this already repeatedly where I stay now.
I do not have an answer to this. It is any radiation or psychic
attacks.. It would be a good idea if somebody knocks
so that I do not take all while largely asleep.
Even if I know somebody doing such I do not know how
to turn against them wthout evidence to show.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Stimmen drohen die letzten Tage massiv verschaerften
Terror an der meine Existenz in Freiheit beenden soll.
Letztenendich ist es wohl das was mit dem Terror beabsichtigt wird und auch Unterstuetzer in Thailand und Malaysia hat.
Das was Stimmen sagen hat nur einen begrenzten
Wahrheitsgehalt. Ich hoffe das die Ankuendigungen nicht
wahr werden.