Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ex-Innenminister: Schily nennt Furcht vor Überwachungsstaat paranoid

aus dem Artikel
Otto Schily rät der SPD, die NSA-Ausspähaffäre nicht im Wahlkampf zu thematisieren. Die größte Gefahr gehe vom Terrorismus aus, nicht von Geheimdiensten, sagte der frühere Innenminister dem SPIEGEL. Die Furcht vor dem Staat trage "wahnhafte Züge".

Ach tatsaechlich? Vor einigen Tagen befand die Schnarre das die Vorwuerfe der SPD an die Regierung wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen scheinheilig seien,
Herr Schily haette solches in seiner Amtszeit ebenfalls  getan.

Im Gespräch mit dem SPIEGEL sagte Schily, man solle nicht so tun, als ob die größte Gefahr für die Menschen in Deutschland von derNational Security Agency ausgehe: "Die größte Gefahr geht vom Terrorismus und von der Organisierten Kriminalität aus.
Law and Order sind sozialdemokratische Werte

Kommentar; lAW AND ORDER der Sorte die der Obrigkeit dient und gegen das Individuum gerichtet ist. Ich denke das die SPD Beteiligung an Staatsterror beiteiligt ist, der teilweise durch die Ueberwachung ermoeglicht und unterstuetzt wird.

Die SPD ist eine top-down organisierte Kaderorganisation, die gegen Freiheit ist. Die Kontrolle des Individuums wird mit der Ueberwachung aber auch mit auf Strahlen basierten Waffen gewaehrleistet. Ich bin ein Opfer solcher Waffen. 
Ich sehe die SPD, Demokraten weltweit als eine Gefahr fuer die Freiheit des
Individuums an.
Sie ist also mehr ein Schaafszuechterverein, weil sie Menschen zuf solche reduzieren will, als eine politische Partei.
Wenn Herr Schily so sehr auf Law und Order steht, sollte er sich darum kuemmern das die SPD als solcher Verein registriert wird.

Fairerweise will ich sagen das in einer parlamentarischen Demokratie die meisten Parteien eher Schaafszuechtervereine sind oder nach einiger Zeit werden. Die SPD ist es von ihrer Anlage her.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Today I managed not to get sexual  hrassment today but the voices say it will be reorganized. But I did not get enough sleep.
When I tried today there were people loudly talking outside in the lounge with breaks in this so you could not adjust to this.

Monday, July 15, 2013

I noticed yesterday that daily activities went better than much of the last time.. The harassment the last days was not so hard I thought which is probably right. There may be also letting go of my mind. There seem to have been control which kept me down rather often I was down. I do not know how such could be possible. Through monitoring of my mind with being able to interfere at any time?
.This sexual harassment especially which I have had now for many years drives me regularly into a burnout, For me this means being much less active than without it.. This burnout made me passive for hours every day and depressive the rest. I could not made up my mind easily, could not concentrate long, weak mental performance. I did not much often shied away from simple tasks. It affected my body. I was just weak in sports.
Meditation was able to get me out of such quiet often. But gang stalking and MC were able to reduce my meditation practice. To get out of a burnout I need a lot of meditation with several hours every day for weeks but with sexual harassment I am into one again quickly.

I noticed today asleep no sexual harassment after I had a talk in my head before and it was noticed in this talk that this harassment gets me down. Could it mean that the harassers are more positive about me now. Maybe. I had also some comments which may be seen as helpful. My learning English regularly has to do with it. I heard that I could be now be seen more as a normalo.

I read in the TAZ an article about the ultrarunner. There is a ultramarathon in California. 217 km much through the desert.!119775/

They wrote that some runners can't sleep after the run with pain.

I had it regularly that I had too much pain to go to sleep again after sexual harassment during sleep.

Despite not having sexual harassment I feel mentally in a mess. Having to do with the voices, the harassment my life leaves me with too many issues which need attention

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I noticed two days ago that there may be another wave of programming to a social democrat by programming acceptance of maso sex and using this acceptance as a base for positive feelings to the social democrats.
hey tried to convince me many times to join them by voices which I think are from anywhere, any radiation.  They also seek this way around my consciousness to get positive feelings to the social democrats into me. Such programming is mostly this stimulation of abusing sex which gives me a harder life for years now. The first wave of programming to a social democrat I did not deprogram completely I also did not understand the connection to the maso feelings and the danger of longtime programming, of programming which adds up.
That SM feelings are more present in my life than lets say a decade ago has to do with this programming.
Such things which are played on me are certainly some of the favorite games of mainstream fanatics.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I had the last days again stimulation of abusing sex and
 programming of such. It weakens me during the day.
At the place where I stay now I had it not when I first
stayed there. After some days voices announced
harassment at that place and it started the next morning.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

There is no fucking title for this post

I had twice stimulation of abusing sex and then have trouble with feelings and thoughts of such sex during the day.

Monday, July 01, 2013


I had during sleep strong programming and stimulation of abusing sex. It was about programming of  acceptance of gay sex. This is massive influencing which I do not want apart from giving me stress and pain.

The googlers now force me to have a headline. I cannot publish a post without a headline.  Get  out of my blog. But they won't they will use every tiny portion of power they can get from every person which will admit it. I may change the blog now.

It is anyway mental sick to give everything a label and google adapting to this.