Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I had this morning strong stimulation of sadistic sex
which brings about emotional trouble for me

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I have been in Pattaya for a week now and have had several
 times stimulation of abusing sex.
I noted that especially electricity in Thailand may stimulate
abusing sex.
I am pissed off that I do not have any privacy. I sent an email\
encrypted and a day later I get on things I spoke about emails
from service provider related to such.
I have in my mind the word which is used to name the problem
I spoke about in the email I sent,but which I did not use. The same
word is used in the emails I got in which the two services react on
my problem. I had such before already.
I am hurt by the intrusiveness and rather block the initiatives
they offer.
It is sick to try to help in this way and rather shows a character
weakness. I question the competence of such services.
I would like to have better access to information, but in the process
I do not want to be left out as a human being, which is happening
with Mind control technology now. Such technology is apparently
widely spread and not spoken about much.
At least I know now that I cannot rely on privacy in encrypted emails
which means I have to think twice before I write about my problems
in such emails.


Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Yesterday I had very strong stimulation of abusing sex
reprogramming of abusing sex. I did up today not
recover from that.
Unfortunately some people apparently want to have that.