Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gestern hatte ich massive Programmierung von missbraeuchlichem Sex. am Morgen in den Schlaf.
Spaeter bekam ich dann Probleme mit mir, wie ich es schon oefters hatte bei starker Programmierung.,
Missbraeuchlicher Sex ist jeder Sex der ohne meine Einwilligung stimuliert wird
Ich moechte dies nicht im Detail beschreiben was gestern war. Ich hatte jedenfalls staerkere Schmerzen
die meiste Zeit des Tages.

Heute morgen hatte ich wieder Stimulierung von mu\issbraeuchlichem Sex. In Thailand hatte ich dies
fast die ganze letzte Zeit. Ich bin deswegen ziemlich sauer das dies organisiert in Thailand so weiter geht.
Im Alltag jedoch sind Thais meist nett, welches ich angenehm finde.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I had the last days stimulation of abusing sex in sleep. This makes
 me weaker during the day. I have pain to differnet degrees during
the day then.There was also some discussions in my head where it
was tried to make me join the social democrats. It is sometakes
real work to disrupt the mental buildings which are tried to build
up to make me join them. I have to be mindful todo that of they
may get me this way. They have the chance to do so for 18 years
now and will go on trying. The technology related to such terror
is in western so called democracies not regulated it is not spoken
The victims are left in the lurch, mocked labeled crazy.
Miserable parliamentary democracy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I had at about 4 o clock stimulation of abusing sex which woke
me up. I suspect the young woman staying beside me for this
and for some heavy stimulations of abusing sex the days before
Later in the morning the same and programming in my dreams.

 It is altogether that hard that I am that down, that I just want
 to no more stay there.
Exactly may be the purpose of such. I spend  less money when I
sleep in my flat than when I am travelling and staying in guesthouses.
I had it now three times in different locations that when I stay long
time anywhere in Thailand harassment went up.

Monday, September 09, 2013

Today I had strong programming of gay sex. Some days before it still was sadistic sex. I am disappointed by neighboring Thais to participate in stimulating this sadistic sex.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

I had again today during sleep heavy stimulation of abusing sex. I meditated a lot today and  after long time I
noticed my being depressive. There are a lot of voices which say it would go on like this others say it would stop now for some reasons. such contradictory voices I hear quite often
Fucking Thais did this.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

I had again stimulation of abusing sex, sadistic sex and programming in my dreams. The primary suspect is from my direct environment.

Yesterday I read a report in the FAZ which stressed the civil rights of the people in the West contrary to Russia. I am for 18 years a victim of gang stalking and mind control weapons and it is difficult to get out.
Many people are victims of such so the civil rights of the Western World are just another lie.
The leaders of the West have the means to easily  turn the Foundations of the West into a lie for anyone they want, whenever they want.

A part of this means are the mind control weapons which the US refuses to regulate by law.
Russia has done this.

On the other hand how in Russia it is dealt with homosexuals is
disappointing. Not to allow pro propaganda for homosexuals is
 an interesting point to think about, but criminalizing them and
punishing how it is happening in the country is not a way a
civilized country should accept or tolerate. To improve tolerance
for homosexuals should go hand in hand with the law against
propaganda for homosexuals.

I had yesterday stimulation of abusing sex and today the same but very strong the first time for a longer time.
It weakens me and makes me feel bad more than this day.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

I had the last 2 days again  stronger stimulation of abusing sex. I was down for longer time these days.