Monday, April 28, 2014

Several days I had moderate stimulation of abusing sex.
Yesterday and today threats they would restart heavy

I have identified the stuff of the 3 times heavy attacks.
It was programming to a gay in a very short time a  lot
of programming. It knocked me off my socks for some
time. Now I have to get this stuff out again.
The whole stuff is a delicate topic to talk about.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The last two days I had heavy stimulation of abusing sex
into sleep. I spent much of the two days in bed
because of these.

Friday, April 18, 2014

I had stimulation of abusing sex the last days.
Twice I noticed people doing psychic attacks
 from the restauranat opposite my flat.This time
asleep there was programming and stimulation
of abusing sex. The programming is about
control of mine. I noticed that I had such
before. Programming which made me passive.
Such is control. First they stop your doing
yourself then they program action but this
action is highly probable controlled.
Programming to action I had last time
 Inside doing this is to my opinion the
Government of Thailand, Germany, US etc.
That is also the reason why it is so difficult
to go against it. But I do not know for sure

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I had last time asleep three times harassment. In the evening
from the man in room one psychic attacks, then in the
night probably an psychic attack from somebody who left
on a motorbike as I woke up, then in the morning stimulation
of abusing sex.I had severe pain during the day.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

I had today very strong stimulation and programming of
abusing sex in sleep. I am still lacking of my power in the
evening because of that. But also this time I am not sure
how much my allergies and mistakes or deficiencies in
shielding may have contributed.
I slept the whole day. I had accumulated sleep deficit
the last days. After harassment I often can no
more go to sleep for many hours. So I often did not
get enough sleep when harassment took place and I
did not yet have a full night's sleep yet just 5 hours.

Monday, April 07, 2014

It is advised to use a vpn for security reasons to remain private
online on wifi
But vpns are based in west My experience is that you can't
simply trust American corporations. I won't  say that you can't
trust them at all either.
I had it with paypal, that they gave me a lot of trouble
I had it with google that I have to suspect that they
support my MC targetting. Now I have it with my vpn
provider. Just as I use a credit card the first time online
for shopping my vpn connects and disconnects all
the time. I did not pay enough attention to it so I went
on with what I wanted to do. At the same time in
the cafe where the wifi was available 5 Thai policemen
had taken place. Three of them using phones.
I have been a target of gang stalking where I but only
I have evidence that Thai police was involved.
So I feared that they had something prepared for me
related to stealing private data at that day.

This disconnecting and connecting of my vpn went ont
for a day. I contacted my service provider and now
without doing anything it works again.
Maybe even the provider helped with that I do not
know but it may be also otherwise.
Some suspicion remains.

The most secure browsers are no more available. Does this mean
governments want to be always able to know what you do online?
I had a Dell Kace secure browser. It has been deleted from my

The best 5 secure browsers

Defeat online bank Trojans with one of these.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Vor ein paar Tagen hatte ich ein Gespraech im Kopf.
"Thomas Gottschalk ist halt ein Sunnyboy". sagte ich.
"Wie wird man ein Sunnyboy?". "Ganz einfach Sonnencreme
nehmen." Aber das wurde leider schnell als Verarschung erkannt.
Dann kamen Kommentare, etwas resignierend das
Mainstreamtypen doch wohl nicht so angenehm sind wie
zum Beispiel Gottschalk.

Heute sagte ich irgendwann ins Blaue.
"Thomas Gottschalk hat einmal in etwa gesagt
"Ich habe als Showmaster alle Fehler gemacht und ich habe
alle ueberlebt."
Er hat seine Lehrzeit gehabt und ist durchgekommen."
Dann kamen Stimmen. "Frueher ging das noch so nebenbei.
Heute ist es einfach zu hart. Man muss heute ins kalte Wasser
springen und gleich perfekt sein. Das  geht anscheinend so
nicht. Aber dann will man auch die Leute wieder an der
Leine oder langen Leine haben."

Solche Abfragen oder Stimmen habe ich viel im Kopf als
Teil meiner Ausbeutung.
Es existiert also Technick die Menschen ins Hirn quatschen
kann und auch Gedanken abhoeren kann.
Gesetzlich geregelt ist solches natuerlich nicht.
Diejenigen die es tun wollen sich die Ausbeutung damit
nicht entgehen lassen.

Die deutsche Bundesregierung hat die Pflicht
Schaden vom deutschen Volk abzuwenden.
und damit diese Technick und auch andere unschaedlich zu
Wenn sie das nicht tut macht sie sich einer
grob fahrlaessigen oder auch vorsaetzlichen
Pflichtverletzung schuldig die zu vielen
Verbrechen gefuehrt hat.
Das muesste fuer eine Amtsenthebung
der Kanzlerin reichen moeglicherweise
auch fuer Strafverfolgung.
Aber was laeuft im Westen
schon normal. Wir werden sehen.

I had the last days again stimulation of abusing sex at about
 the same time as before. No car was visible outside.
One night I suspected the man in room number 159/1. The next
night and the following he was out the time the attacks happened.
The whole last nights he was watching TV which I could hear but
 the last days he is sleeping and out in the morning.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Today in the morning I woke up and noticed having had heavy
stimulation of abusing sex I had all day pain from this which also
made me weaker and frustrated. There is also a lot of
reprogramming of abusing sex which needs deprogramming
This is some work for some time just from one incidence of
such abuse.
I noticed a woman in front of my flat when I woke up who
was there in a car. I do not know the mark the car was in a light
color. Anyway she made her suspicious. It was about half past
eight. She could be the culprit.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Yesterday I had massive stimulation of abusing sex.
Today again I had stimulation of such.
I am not sure how much my allergies play a role in this.
This evening I have trouble with programming to a
social democrat. I am not sure if it is old programming
or new.
I spent some additional time in bed the last two days
because of the stress.