Sunday, April 29, 2012

Zwei Naechte in Penang und zweimal Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex. Heute war aber noch mehr.
Ich war richtig zerschlagen als ich aufstand. Was das war merke ich wohl wieder spaeter.

Ich hatte so ungefaehr die letzten beiden Jahre nicht mehr so viel meditiert. Jetzt stelle ich fest das da Programmierungen sind die mich davon abhalten.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ich hatte wieder Stimulation von mussbreuchlichem Sex waehrend des Schlafes in Chaiya. Ich war gluecklich darueber das meine Allergien nach Jahren mich kaum noch plagten, aber jetzt verstaerkten sie sich  wieder.

ich hatte mit einer Art von Sex zu tun die leidvoll fuer mich war  und ich bin froh  das ich nach Jahren emotionaler Arbeit  innerlich Distanz zu diesem habe.
Was mich fertigmacht ist das versucht wird diesen nicht gewollten also missbraeuchlichen Sex rezuprogrammieren.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I have programming to a social democrat. There is also arguing to follow this terror organisaton.
Fortunately there is no terror at the moment. But this has a reason. My health is comprimised.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I had such hard harassment today in sleep that I did not do much the day. I intended to but I just lied down or sat down most of the day. It was worse than once in Singapore in once.
Voices say they want to destroy me. sometimes they say why don't you travel there or there. With that the countries is Asia certainly get more money from me.
It is probable that they will try to destroy me and make a lead a life they accept. That would be in a home for disabled.
I have decided not to go alife there. I hope I am consequent enough. I do not know if I can stand the terror. Voices threaten to do this terror some days until I can't move anymore. And in Malaysia they would do something in a hospital to me. Just voices or more. I do not know.
Thailand is probably a miserable country for me to go to. They only accept you when you fit into their heads. If not you get immideately rejection. Some idiots behavior which is spread so to say Thai standard. I anyway have decided not to learn from Thais. I have had a lot of negativity in Thailand.
the next days will show if they will destroy me or if it was just voices. But in the place where I am now in Chaiya there is a bunch of idiots around and some of which support and supported this heavy terror also in the past.
I do not know how to find out and survive.

Friday, April 20, 2012

I have hard brainwashing in Thailand now.
Hard programming to a gay.
Hard programming to accept mainstream medicine and not going for natural solutions.
Hard programming to a German social democrat.

The reason they do this. is much programming is that i politically do not agree
with the social democrats. So they have to make me believe in their ideas
like mainsteam medicine.
I hope I get this out of my head
But I hope more people see what a tyranny the west actually is behind its lies.

I proabably have to leave Thailand and go to a county which is not in line with the mainstream
and do not support such that easily. To many Thais gave actually also a chit for human rights to
my experience and enjoyed harassing me. So I do not wonder that I have this chit again.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

yesterday I looked up something on the Internet I wanted to buy. I selected one item and wanted to pay it, the Internet connection then interrupted and finished.
Today I looked up the same item but they were everywhere 25 to 50% more expensive.

Not long ago I lost quiet some money because also there was some tricking on the Internet. There is large scale manipulation of the Internet and other stuff including the precious metals market which can be done only by very powerful people and groups like governments.

So one of the most important tasks for the people is to get governments much more under control. It is important to leash government members. That is what people have to learn and execute to escape tyranny.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Soleilmavis’ case summary on mind control torture and abuse

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I have every time asleep in Georgetown in Penang stimulation of abusing sex.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

I had stimulation and programming of abusing sex this time asleep in Penang.
I notice the landlady has a negative attitude towards me this may be support to allow or support harassment.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

I had stimulation of abusing sex and severe programming to a gay last time asleep.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The last days I had again stronger stimulation of abusing sex during sleep. I feel sick during the last time. But going to the doctor makes no sense. He will shortly listen and then describe painkiller and antibiotics.

Monday, April 02, 2012

I had three days stimulation of sex with violence during sleep but now two day no more of such.