Saturday, December 24, 2016

In nearly all guesthouses where I stay and the owner is Chinese I have
I had today other thing go wrong with Chinese
So I think China must be contained.
Russia, Japan the Asian countries maybe India should work together
to contain it
The intellectual drain of smaller countries because some or their best
go to China must be addressed.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

I had voices 2 days ago which said the terror would restart. I had
a break of some days. So it happened. Yesterday I had terror and
today that much that I needed hours to get by with it.
I had sexual harassment but this time it was gay stimulation.
Voices say they may want to bring me to a breakdown to deliver
me to psychiatry and then social engineering to the person they like.
Or put me in a home for disabled.
But voices say a lot. I notice a lot of very hard programming to a
democrat.But I know that what I think about what I notice may look
different after I look some time at it. This programming may have
been there before.
They say the want to destroy me it would take only some days now.
On the other hand voices reminded me of programming to a democrat
I had some time ago which I noticed at that time but did not counter
enough at that time.They would accept me being an Anarchist or
or sympathize with Anarchy.

German authorities 'knew about Christmas market terror plot days before the Berlin lorry attack was carried out'

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Koennte es sein das die 'Autoritaeten' sich die besten Zuschauerplaetze
fuer das Spektakel ausgesucht haben?  Na ja, Ich mein ja nur.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Today in the morning I had again stimulation of abusing sex.
There is another point. I looked up information about
Alzheimer's. I found that being not able to concentrate,
not being able to take in information or keep it, not being able
to process information more often are probably signs of
being on the way to Alzheimer's. I had this more often the
last years. The stimulation of abusing sex was one of the
most devastasting for my body and mind. I ascribe the
symptoms largely to this. This stimulation was often
very stressful and burning me out. Another point was
probably  mental influence which held me from
meditation. I could not do it much the last years.
When I started various stuff happened. I got heavy
stimulation of stress or distractions of my mind or quickly
 rerouted to other activities which I was not able to notice
quickly. Such people who did such stimulation  and enjoyed it are
just  pieces of character rubbish.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Brain Implants To Cure Mental Disorders May Soon Be A Thing

They want to play with your brain and saying they are helping?

I state this way to mess about the brain by an implant is about control.
Governments mostly are not interested in healing mental sickness.
They rather want to exploit the weaknesses mental sick people have.
They do not support orthomolecular medicine which offers scientific
evidence of healing mental sickness.
One probable reason is that such medicine just heals it does not
offer much to manipulate and control people as Psychiatry does,
Psychiatry is supported by governments and does not offer healing.

So it is important for people to learn to turn against the
control junkies in governments.

Monday, December 12, 2016

I had no harassment for some days and started to get better
but the last days sexual harassment restarted. The consequence
is that I am down again and again getting more passive.
When you have a history of sexual abuse you experience 
that many people want to repeat the abuse I had it that
also with a therapist in Germany. Not much about humans.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Mass surveillance exposed by Snowden is about control, not counterterrorism – Oliver Stone to RT

I am not surveilled but also harassed up to the level to get multiple
sicknesses. Harassment happens over radiation.
I assume now the idea behind this harassment is social engenering.
I notice influence of voices and programming of my mind.
When I speak about such hardly anyone understands the matter
of covert harassment.