Monday, December 17, 2018

Today like in many talks in my mind before here is programming
of  mentality and radiation. The latter is often included in talks.
On my tablet the app Article reader had been deleted without my
knowledge and consent.  Articles from the alternative spectrum
with it like 'nutritional psychiatry will be the future of mental
health treatment'.
I reinstalled it saved articles in it. Now some days later one
article is removed. It dealt withh uman rights abuses the
current president of the USA has to do with and mentioned
such abuses of the presidents before. It mentioned that now
the human rights would be taught n high school.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I had sadistic sexual abuse in my childhood.
I am now a target of covert harassment. Sadistic
abuse has also to do with positive feelings
apart from the pain humiliation, stress. 
These positive feelings are used in my targetting.
They try to connect these feelings to them to
make me like them.and how they do things.
This I always rejected but the affection to them
and how they things do is growing in me.
I do not like the social democrats, I never did.
But with what I experience they may change that.
That is how the social democrats treat ordinary people
First they tried simple convincing in my brain with thoughts
then they tried to blackmail me You cannot resist us we are
too large for you.Now they are programming affection
and acceptance of them. That is how this social democrats
are. They just want them to follow you and give a chit
what you think and feel and even torture you.
I have for years this stimulation this pain and stress
I cannot get out of this abuse because it is reproduced
and used for this purpose. I am depressed also 
because of this. It must be clear that the social democrats
so are not a democratic party. They are rather a 
terrorist organisation.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I have the last time stimulation of abusing sexbut at least it is not
that strong and or painful that it weakens a lot me which I had in
I go in Penang in an Internetcafe ask for an 2 hour package
pay and after that I ask for the change. The Chinese man in charge
 said most people would take the other package which would
cost the complete amount I gave him. I told him he should give
me what I ask for. He started arguing and even threatened he
would bring trouble to me.
I don,t have such that often but it also happens repeatedly.
Not long ago I bought a T-shirt and the Chinese just to kept the
relative large change arguing with me. I just took it out of his hands.
I had it in this Internet cafe that the computer was shot down when
the time I paid for was over but without giving repeatedly
information that it would do so which it does usually.
I was writing about my experiences in Mind control and actually
wanted to save this information for later use.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Stasi in China.

China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System

I think freedom made the US strong. People must be
able to really go their own ways without depending
too much on judgement.
I possibly would not even survive in China with my
 special disability. Many people have special wants or needs
with which you are in a bad situation when these are
not accepted. The acceptance is based on government
philosophy which is probably too tight or onesighted
for a whole nation.

This could be a topic for president Trump to address threats
to personl freedom.

I have a different idea but not thought that much about it.
Clearly unhealthy foods you find mandatory in the
back sheves, for sch food is no adversising allowed and on
such food is put an additonally tax Such foods would be
processed food, a!cohol for instance.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Today I had a talk in my mind about politics. I noticed that
there are now part of my thoughts following the Democrats
or social democrats. I never had this. I was always opposition
to them. I remember that programming to a democrat was
happening the time and three days before it was quite strong.
Being a follower to democrats so seem to creep slowly in
my mind. T try to deprogram. I know that it is not only the
democrats who are in such stuff. I supported the conservatives
for years in my mind. This year a few month ago something
in my mind changed and I had my original attitude towards
conservatives back. It is just not my party and I am actually
critical about them. About this I could not think all the years
ago. Voices actually asked me repeatedly or also tried to
make me think to bash conservatives now which I did
But I want to stop that now and try not to answer to what
programmers want as far as I can.
In Russia mind control weapons are regulated by law
while in the western world they are not. Some months
ago a German policemen denied that such existed.
In Malaysia a  Policeman also did not know anything
about such.

Russian Mind Control Weapons. They are regulated 
by law now.

In Malaysia I wrote an police report about Mins Control.

A few days later I noticed something happened in my
mind to the positive. I had my mind back to some degree.
I went to Thailand and found myself quickly much more
active than most time the last years. This went on for some
days then  something happened in the night and I it was
again difficult to be active like the years before.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Bill Gates Funding Web of Satellites For Global Real-Time Surveillance

In Thailand I found out that sexual harassment was coming from
a satellite dish. It is directed energy you can block by very strong
shielding. I had ten metal sheets of about 2 mm thickness in a row
and achieved blocking of such. I had blocked such at other times
also with much less shielding.Well, humans also do psychic attacks
and stimulate sexual feelings in others to various degrees of strength.

In  Malaysia unplugging the TV antenna saved me from sexual harassment
at one place.

At the place where I stay I had repeatedly severe
stimulation of abusing sex which made me sick
for some time. I had voices that such terror would
go on now. Ich stelle fest das ich deswegen
vor Computerbildschirmen zu sitzen neuerdings
als Stress empfinde und ich es deswegen zumindest
teilweise vermeiden werde falls ich keine Antwort
darauf finden kann.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Trumps Allies face harassment

I recommend Russia to try to keep a copy of Western Democrats out of their country. With this I think the political Left should also offer another or other ways. One which is serious about environmental protection and not going for
One which does not want the global control of the people and
cultures for instance.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Ich hatte die letzten Tage wieder Stimulation von
SM sex im Schlaf. Allergien spielen wahrscheinlich
auch eine Rolle dabei,

Saturday, June 09, 2018

I had every day in Thailand sexuell harassment.
It brings me regularly down. It makes me sick.
I do not know who is doing it, but I assume
Thais are involved like they were in the past.
But I do not really know.

Saturday, June 02, 2018

This heavy harassment I had yesterday I had
Also today. My heart restarts with pain.
Large fear after that contributed to my
being passive. Having recognized it I can
work on it
A lot of programming me to a social democrat
democrat. There is programming of a strong
positive feeling to them programming of
being in the head instead of being aso in the
heart and programming of opinions.

Friday, June 01, 2018

This morning I had very heavy harassment by over any radiation.
Voices say repeatedly such would go on for a short while and then
I would be finished..May be it would be like this. I could not
find for sure the source. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

I read news in the Internet quite often. I notice that there
is programming to not read Russian news rather American
or German. To read certain German news I had programming
longer time ago. I had stimulation of abusing sex nearly all
the last time..

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Again heavy stimulation of abusing sex probably of any asshole close.
I won't be friendly  should I get this person.
Much of the day is gone when such happens. I can't get longer time
dental treatment because I do not have currently the nerves for this.
This is because of the ongoing sexual and other harassment.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

I had now altogether twice heavy harassment in Thailand
Once sexual harassment the other one not sexual. The
non sexual harassment was announced by voices.
I notice my body cannot take this easily anymore
Arthritis returned but the many year long terror
has also  affected my psychologically. I have had that much
pain that I cannot stand more easily.
The last time I have voices which keep me from going to
sleep for hours. It has also to do with fears going to sleep
as much harassment happened during sleep for many years
Going to bed easily so does not help to get enough sleep.

There has been huge influence of MC on my life,
With manipulation I was often kept from tasks I wanted to

Saturday, May 19, 2018

In Malaysia I had some days off harassment. In Thailand
I had to do with sexual hrassment everyday, though
my allergies play so some degree a role in such

Saturday, May 05, 2018

It is also the ever ongoing stimulation of abusing sex which leaves me
 in pain, stress and finally alone.  This is one aspect why I don't have
many contacts.
This I noticed repeatedly over years.

After this heavy stimulation of abusing sex a few days before
there were talks in my head and I called the stimulation of sadistic
sex sexual abuse.

It is against my will and knowledge when it happens in my sleep.
It fits in the definition of  sexual abuse. The difficulty with this
sadistic sex is I am also emotionally inside with positive feelings
involved. When I have severe stimulation of such sex positive
feelings related to it  get quite strong and may overwhelm my
conscious decision making.
That does not mean that I want such sex or the pain and stress will
not arrive.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

The last time I do not know for sure for how long I have
in the morning about 9 and ten o'clock or something
before or after I have strong stimulation of abusing
sex. It is that much that I now get considerably weaker
as I was before.
I tried not to sleep at that time but repeatedly fell
asleep after I used an alarm clock to be awake. I sleep
at that time because in the night I often don't get enough

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Heute hatte ich ein Gespraech ueber Globalisation
im Kopf. Ich oppuniere diese.Wenn der menschlische
Geist genormt und globalisiert wird geht die
Moeglichkeit verloren auf Probleme verschieden
zu reagieren und erfolgreich zu loesen, wie dies
jetzt beim Umweltschutz der Fall ist.
Dies war das Thema auf das Stimmen auch reagiert
Wirklich verschiedene Kulturen die moeglicherweise
noch nicht mal so ohne weiteres von manchen
anderen verstanden werden sind notwendig
um die ganze Dimension menschlicher
Moeglichkeiten auch des Geistes und der Psyche zu
Ich halte es fuer eine Katastrophe wenn ein
Inder zu mir wie ein westlicher Demokrat
redet mit deren Werten wie die Ablehnung
von Religion u.a.
Die Inder haben wahrscheinlich die Chance
eine wirklich unabhaengige Kultur zu
werden. Dann duerfen solche Organisationen
wie die nach Globalisation auch von bestimmten
menschlichen Werten strebenden Demokraten
dort keinen Einfluss haben.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Today I woke up and noticed that being a democrat
seemed to be in my head.I had contact to a voice
for long time. This was also emotional. Now I notice
inside me emotional belonging to the democrats, in
German "Sozialdemokraten" or more suitable
"The Red Pestilence".
That are results of Mind Control weapons.
I hope I get this stuff out of my mind again.

Sunday, April 08, 2018

I had voices which threat me in various ways today.
Voices make it difficult to concentrate on anything.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

New mind-reading machine can translate your thoughts and display them as text INSTANTLY


I claim they can do such for a long time already and they can do such from quiete a distance
(remote viewing). Victims of mind control technology claim the same. There is also
technology to speak  to your mind and harass

Thursday, March 29, 2018

I notice some programming inside is no more used or not used at
the moment. There is a lot of programming to change my
Like talking in a simplified way to me for a long time every day
over a long time. I adapted to that. I was no more able to use
my mind I used to do.It made me think simplified. I did not use
my mental capacity. when thinking using my mind.
Voices say  they want my mind back. This lot of talking is
information for the mind which I did not want but my mind uses.
It is influence. I have a lot of different talk in my mind with
different mentalities talking. I notice this influences how I feel.
This whole influence had made it clear to me. With the mind
control forces working on the long run you won't have your
own independent personality. I could no more use  my mind
for my goals the last time. So this forces are the enemy of people.
They shape the people in the way the forces behind it want it.
On the long run targets of such probably won't escape.that.
This is also what voices told me sometime ago.
The means to influence and control minds including the
technology is not regulated by law.So government tolerates
such happening or rather is doing itself.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The last time I often hear voices when I actually want to sleep.
This makes sleep when I get enough Irregular.
Yesterday evening there were voices that because I turn against
the West I could easily meet people on the street which go
against me and my property.
Later the evening I went out to go to a convenience store.
Two young men asked me for the way to a certain place
Suddenly there were five or more young men around me
and hardly anyone around because it was late.
But they were nice. They noticed my fear and just stopped
asking me and left me alone.
But I am pissed about these fucking governments worldwide
which do not regulate Mind control weapons and with this
enable and protect crimes with these. They just fucking

Saturday, March 17, 2018

More than 20 years ago I got to know youngsters one of whom
appeared to be close to anarchism. I lost contract after some
time. Some years later I met him. His personality had changed
to somewhat conform to social democrats in Germany.
He had been home less and probably been brainwashed.
The same structures I now have in my mind highly probably

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Today I started writing  about my experienced trouble with my banks
and wanted to contact the BAFIN [Bankenaufsicht] in Germany.
The Banks seem to be in my Mindcontrol or just know what I am
doing online. So I have regained access to my DKB account.
The Sparda told me they will contact me.after I tried to call them.

Trouble with Banks in Germany?
Search for the Term: BAFIN

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I had trouble to do Telefonbanking on my sparda bank account.
Now my DKB bank account is blocked. I typed in 3 different
tans and I controlled the input of the two last they were right
but my account is closed..I should call them by phone.
But the last phone calls I had with them were a disaster.
I was sometimes chaotic but they were nasty including I would
not go to the phone when they call. But my phone notices me
of any call coming in.and stores a record of this. They just lie.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The voices in me seem to have
changedThey regard me as a human
being now. Yet they speak of me in the
third person they are external but
at least as they regard me as a human
now and no more that much just as a
guinea pig to my perception.