Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I had sadistic sexual abuse in my childhood.
I am now a target of covert harassment. Sadistic
abuse has also to do with positive feelings
apart from the pain humiliation, stress. 
These positive feelings are used in my targetting.
They try to connect these feelings to them to
make me like them.and how they do things.
This I always rejected but the affection to them
and how they things do is growing in me.
I do not like the social democrats, I never did.
But with what I experience they may change that.
That is how the social democrats treat ordinary people
First they tried simple convincing in my brain with thoughts
then they tried to blackmail me You cannot resist us we are
too large for you.Now they are programming affection
and acceptance of them. That is how this social democrats
are. They just want them to follow you and give a chit
what you think and feel and even torture you.
I have for years this stimulation this pain and stress
I cannot get out of this abuse because it is reproduced
and used for this purpose. I am depressed also 
because of this. It must be clear that the social democrats
so are not a democratic party. They are rather a 
terrorist organisation.

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