Monday, August 29, 2016

I care about natural medicine. I notice that this is under attack
in MC. Well, they tried to program me to a German social democrat
and you know that Hillary Clinton is the bride of Frankenfoods (GMOs)
you know the MC programmer want to bring me mentally in line.

U.S. Human Rights
Abuse Report

By Cheryl Welsh
January 1998


The Problem 

A Classified Arms Race Between the Super Powers to Control the Human Mind and Body with Electromagnetic Technologies

Such technology is used on me.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

In Malaysia I managed to write a police report about somestuff I had
 there. In Thailand it appears to me it is more difficult to get my mind
directed to do such. I intended to do such but it did not work
Better it did not work again.I had it before. I am looking for a
scapegoat? Maybe a little but not only. It is also real that efforts have
been heavily attacked by MC efforts. I did not defeat that as I did not
defeat some other efforts.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

This heavy stimulation of abusing sex 2 days ago made me sick. I have
been in bed for much of the last days. Walking up the stairs was up to
this afternoon quite an effort. It had to do with pain, tension and stress.
Going out was an real effort. I was depressed. I feel better since the
afternoon but I do not feel good yet.
Doing things become quick an effort. My mind works slow I am not
able to read some time. I have been down not doing much the last
years. I could not do sports much because of such effects.
 Meditation helps me out of such.  But the road to well being with
 meditation is long and the positive  impacts are with new sexual
harassment quickly destroyed.
I think today meditation was blocked by MC.
I have voices saying they are destroying me now.
I do not know what happens if such heavy harassment goes on for
some time. Game over? Ruin? Slavery?

In my blog has a message been deleted. I am sure I was not doing it.
I am under surveillance. Remote monitoring is used or anything
similar. The harassers have my thoughts in near real time.

That means I cannot keep any password safe. They have them and
I cannot do anything. That is possibly why they are able to delete
posts in my blog. That is why they deleted all my contacts in my
google mail.

Remote Neural Monitoring
This heavy stimulation of abusing sex 2 days ago made me sick. I have
been in bed for much of the last days. Walking up the stairs was up to
this afternoon quite an effort. It had to do with pain, tension and stress.
Going out was an real effort. I was depressed. I feel better since the
afternoon but I do not feel good yet.
Doing things become quick an effort. My mind works slow I am not
able to read some time. I have been down not doing much the last
years. I could not do sports much because of such effects.
 Meditation helps me out of such.  But the road to well being with
 meditation is long and the positive  impacts are with new sexual
harassment quickly destroyed.
I think today meditation was blocked by MC.
I have voices saying they are destroying me now.
I do not know what happens if such heavy harassment goes on for
some time. Game over? Ruin? Slavery?

In my blog has a message been deleted. I am sure I was not doing it.
I am under surveillance. Remote Viewing is used or anything
similar. The harassers have my thoughts in near real time.

That means I cannot keep any password safe. They have them and
I cannot do anything. That is possibly why they are able to delete
posts in my blog. That is why they deleted all my contacts in my
google mail.
This heavy stimulation of abusing sex 2 days ago made me sick. I have
been in bed for much of the last days. Walking up the stairs was up to
this afternoon quite an effort. It had to do with pain, tension and stress.
Going out was an real effort. I was depressed. I feel better since the
afternoon but I do not feel good yet.
Doing things become quick an effort. My mind works slow I am not
able to read some time. I have been down not doing much the last years.
I could not do sports much because of such effects.
 Meditation helps me out of such.  But the road to well being with
 meditation is long and the positive  impacts are with new sexual
harassment quickly destroyed.
I think today meditation was blocked by MC.
I have voices saying they are destroying me now.
I do not know what happens if such heavy harassment goes on for
some time. Game over? Ruin? Slavery?

In my blog has a message been deleted. I am sure I was not doing it.
I am under surveillance. Remote Viewing is used or anything
similar. The harassers have my thoughts in near real time.

That means I cannot keep any password safe. They have them and
I cannot do anything. That is possibly why they are able to delete
posts in my blog. That is why they deleted all my contacts in my
google mail.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Some posts before I spoke about low concentration because there are
any fears in the back.I wanted to look into them and find that I already
know them. They are related to old traumas from childhood. I do not
really get ahead with them. I have to learn to practice more mindfulness
I have actually some things I can do which I will do now more but
did not do the last time.
I have been to professionals in Germany. In Asia it is not an option
because of the costs.

Several times I had hardly success with experts.Once I shied away
from the treatment. I blamed myself but some years later I found out
that the treatment I refused to participate in makes quite some people
mad. It is just dangerous for people who have the same diagnosis I had
at that time.Once I had the chance to choose the therapist from
5 different ones. Nice thing which was possible then in Germany.
Only one came in question. With two I could not get in any proper
contact, one was old and slow, one tried to put me down from the
first sentence he said. This was the one with the best reputation.
One worked and I had for some time therapy with him. Then he
said during a talk. I cannot work with you. I would rather participate
in a sadistic abuse than help you out. That means I cannot work with
you. further. That was it with this therapist.  I did no more restart after
 I had stimulation of sadistic sex in the evening from two sides which
I noticed later. 2 woman involved if I observed right. Psychic attacks.
In the morning again stimulation of abusing sex. The stress which now
is still remaining is depressing.

Monday, August 22, 2016

I had heavy stimulation of abusing sex. It strips me off my power
I slow down, do less.Strangely my reading capabilities are not
good but not at such a low.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

I had voices today. They said I could do what I wanted now but the
terror could restart later. I had voices that something would be
allowed now which wasn't before. And I really could do what I
wanted. I finally could without problems do some work in my flat.
I have wanted that for long time. Often it just did not work, now
without problems.

They said if I would not try to get rid of us they would press me in their
desired scheme.(Home of disabled) I answered.I will not do that,
I rather kill myself.

When I intended to tidy up my room or clean it I mostly had voices, you
must get rid of us and else. It was also difficult for me to do then
something. I know now there was a lot of control over me the last time.
I was often passive I did not manage to do better. There were also voices
of that they would not stop me in this or that area anymore. It seems
like this. I just can do things easier than the whole last time.

I have to do with fears also because of voices. I am busy with them
internally  while doing other things. Concentration is low because of
such. So I have to look at the fears and address them mentally, which I
did not do yet. That should be right to weaken them or not?
Well, I have to define the fears first. When they are in the background
it may be troublesome to get them clear. I will get busy with the latter
first before going ahead further.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Today I did not have stimulation of sexual abuse.

Voices spoke different. They hinted at my mental performance without
having had stimulation of abusive sex and after having had such.

Yesterday I tried to learn some English words, actual repetition.
I struggled with about 20 words for an hour.
I had all days in Chaiya stimulation of unwanted sex.
Some days ago when I arrived at Chaiya the same was a matter of may
be about 10 minutes.
I was feeling well. Stimulation of abusing sex has also been there, but
that weak that I did not feel any impact on my mental state as it usual
in various degrees the case.

After such stimulation I don't like to have contact for some time.
When I have such for some time my energy
goes down and my bodily power goes down.
I get depressed my motivation fades.

Voices also the first time accepted the right do heal yourself to become
an expert of your own problem when you have bigger psychological
To leave such people a chance they should not treated bad.

Is this a sign of hope for me or just some nice words with once left out
stimulation of bad sex. I hope for the first.

The following excerpt of an article I can relate to my life.
It comes the same day the positive voices come.
I had stimulation of abusive sex and other invasive disrupting
stuff 20 years now.

Former Soviet Leader Gorbachev Has A

 Message The World Needs To Hear

From this article:
...While the Soviet Union had a long history of perpetrating crimes against humanity that are often hard to compare to any other brutal dictatorship in history due to their devastating outcome, it’s also important to consider that many may have learned from this tragic episode in history. As a result, many now have a better grasp of human nature and voluntary exchange....

For people with bigger psychological problems Psychiatry
exists in the West. There are models which work on
voluntary exchange without violating the rights of such
people by for instance forced or pressed questionable
I write about such later.
Stimulation of abusing sex was going on the last days.
Voices were going on questioning about politics.
The stimulation of abusing sex I had today appears
to have included programming.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I had today again heavy stimulation of abusing sex.
Voices said such would stop today because I would
withdraw from people when such happens.
We will see how much truth is in what the voices say.
Sometimes it is right what they say sometimes not.
But voices say terror would go on just different
no sexual harassment.

I feel depressed because of these stimulation which are
also bodily quite stressful. It includes this time also
programming to a gay.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

This time asleep again heavy sexual harassment.
Voices say it will go on.

Monday, August 15, 2016

I had today hard stimulation of abusing sex. Such impacts
me in various ways. It contributes to depression.
Such sexual abuse reduces my interest in contact. It makes
me bodily and mentally weaker. That is it at first.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

I have spent some time in the guesthouse Cathey in
Had Yai. I had sexual harassment there, but I am
troubled with my sex and it easy to stimulate unwanted
There seems to have also been some manipulation.