Monday, December 30, 2013

Today I woke up  in pain. Later I noticed that massive programming to like abusive sex
has been happening during sleep, which makes relations to others difficult because many
contact me on programmed unwanted emotions.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

I  had on my blog a helpful comment. I wanted reply to it and noticed  that google had changed how
the blog worked. I can no more reply to an comment and with that no more contact people who leave an interesting comment.

Maybe google is a suspect to supporting Mind Control.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Today I had very strong stimulation and reprogramming
of abusing sex.
I can't concentrate and suffer much of the day from it.

Hackertreffen in Hamburg: Enthüllungsjournalist Greenwald wirft US-Regierung Lügen vor

Es gibt unlautereGruende warum die US Regierung die Privatzone des Einzelnen abschaffen will.

Dies willl ich im Einzelnen beschreiben.

 Im Folgenden will ich das Buch

"Versklavte Gehirne" von Heiner Gehring  zitieren

aus dem Kapitel  1.3 Mind Kontrol und Wissenschaft..
....ein umfangreicher Sammelband aus dem Jahre
1973 mit dem alles sagenden Titel 

Psychtechnologie. Elektronische Kontrolle von Geist
und Verhalten (Schwitzgebel & Schwitzgebel, 1973)

und Aufsaetzen zu verraeterischen Themen wie

Soziotechnische Bedingungen fuer Fernsteuerung von
Menschen in natuerlicher Umgebung. (Schwitzgebel & Bird, 1973)


Stimmungswandel mittels direktem Durchleiten von
Niedrigstrom durch das enschliche Gehirn (Lippolt &
Redfearn, 1973 

zeigt dass in den 1970er Jahren 
Verhaltensforscher bereit und in der Lage waren,
Kontrolle ueber Denken und Verhalten der Menschen 

...Seit Mitte derr siebziger Jahre vertzichten Verhaltensforscher
auf eine offene Darstellung ihrer Plaene... 

......Heute bedarf es nicht mehr der relativ plumpen Einpflanzung
von Sendern (Implantat) ins Hirn. Heutzutage koennen
Niedrigstwellen direkt  Befehle in die  Hirne von Menschen senden.


ich las vor einiger Zeit einen Artikel der Internetzeitung 
Ein FDP Politiker aeusserte sich in einem Zusammenhang den ich leider nicht mehr weiss.
Der Artikel wurde schon kurze Zeit nachdem ich ihn gelesenen hatte entfernt.
Der FDP Politiker sagte, die Leute sind nicht richtig programmiert. 

Dies bestaetigte  mein persoenliches Wissen das Geisteskontrollwaffen in Deutschland schon viele Jahre mit Unterstuetzung  der Politik im Einsatz sind.
Diese werden erst an Minderheiten wie psychisch Kranken oder Kriminellen.ausprobiert und perfektioniert bevor der Angriff auf die Freiheit des Einzelnen im Allgemeinen stattfindet.

Wobei ich denke das dieser Angriff schon seit laengerem stattfindet.
Ich erinnere an den Anpassungsdruck ueber den sich Menschen aus Europa bei mir in Asien beklagt haben.
Der Anpassungsdruck zielt auf eine von Individuen nicht gewollte Aufgabe von eigenen Werten und Verhalten hin, welches der Obrigkeit dient

Die Beseitigung der Privatsphaere ist fuer Fernsteuerung von Menschen unerlaesslich 
schreibt Heiner Gehring in seinem Buch, "Versklavte Gehirne"

Zu der Antwort auf die Frage warum das so ist kann
 ich beisteuern.
Ich bin seit 18 Jahren ein Opfer von
Geisteskontrollwaffen  und Gangstalking. Es gab 
eine Zeit da wurden mir Befehle ins Hirn
gesendet die mir ganz einfach fremd vorkamen.
Ich idendifizierte die Befehle als nicht von mir und
folgte nicht. 
Diejenigen, die ueber mich Kontrolle ausueben
wollen, erwarben mit der Zeit umfassenderes
Wissen ueber meine Person. Ich war  dann nicht
mehr in der Lage Beeinflussung von meinen
Gedanken zu unterscheiden.
Umfassendes Wissen ueber eine Person unterstuetzt
deren Fernsteuerung nicht nur in dieser Hinsicht.

Auch deswegen ist eine Privatsphaere unverzichtbar.

Mich hat es oefters verletzt wenn ich den Eindruck
hatte, das in Medien Dinge behandelt werden, die
aus meinem Leben sind und die Daten ueber
Schnueffeleiund Geisteskontrollwafen gewonnen
worden waren.
Natuerlich sind Geisteskontrollwaffen gesetzlich
nicht reguliert,. das widerspraeche den Interessen
der  Obrigkeit mit diesen Waffen die Sklaverei
So wird Barack Obama, der erste schwarze
Prasident der USA an dieser Wiedereinfuehrung
der Sklaverei beteiligt sein.

Falls eine gesetzliche Regelung dieser Waffen
inklusive effektivem Schutz gegen diese oeffentlich
gefordert  werden sollte, wird man wahrscheinlich
von Obama den Widerstand gegen solches in Form
von Heuchelei, Trickserei, Ausweichen und
sonstigem hoeren. Es waere schoen wenn dies
dann nicht so waere.


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The last two days I had heay otimulation and  or reprogramming
of abusing sex. Yesterday I remained half the day in bed because
of it. Today I feel pretty much depressed bodily the whole day.
I do not know for sure where it is from. One suspect is an
American which checked in two days ago.

I make a lot of mistakes while writing now. Some days ago
I forgot to read and correct a message in my blog
anycomments. My mind suffers also a lot with this harassment.

I had voices that said what comes now will bring you down.
After some time you will no more be able to move about.
Considering the stress I had yesterday and today such
is possible. I remember having read posts in forums of
victims of Mind  Control technology and gangstalking
that there are people who live  such disabled  by harassment
I understand that the human rights promise in the west is just
another lie of  pathological liars in political leadership of
so called western democracies.
So called western democracies seem to safeguard and support
intelligent tyranny and tyrants well.
So I advise against such a political system.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I had today again strong stimulation of sexual abuse during sleep.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I have changed accmodation some days before. At first no harassment, then after two days sexual harassment. The last time asleep I had again programming to a social democrat. I suddenly like them to some extend. The programming that I suddenly like them is programming related to positive feelings also related to stimulating of sexual abuse. I have to get such out of my mind.Yesterday 4 guests left the guesthouse, three other people are staying. I assume that the guests there are involved in the programming I have now.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ich habe heute wieder  mit Programmen, die ich dem Geist der SPD zuschreibe in meinem Kopf zu tun.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher woher das ist. Alteres Material in meinem Kopf, "live" programmierung oder kuerzlich
erfolgte. Der Rote Dreck.

Ich habe die ganze letzte Zeit erheblich mit Frustration zu tun die mich passiv macht.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The last days I had again and again stimulation of abusing sex. They are psychic attacks by several guests in the guesthouse where I stay who obviously like such. That also means that I am not accepted there by several people. Today I had a threat. I do not feel safe there.When I am not accepted there I probably won't have real support for my security. This is my impression from talks afterwards there.
The people there are all westerners.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

I had yesterday again massive programming and also
stimulation of abusing sex.
As a consequence more people in a restaurant contact
me emotionally on this.
One suspect is the  man in the dorm where I stay.
I had twice windows xp,which I prefer over
windows 7, crashed. I had a sd card deleted, I do not
know how this happened.
The terror which I had last in Thailand made me passive
for some time. I am rebuilding strength but do not have
much to take such easier.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Yesterday and today during sleep I had stimulation of abusing sex
and very strong programming.
The stress causes me to be down the whole day. I would prefer just
 to do not much. Even walking becomes easily stress. Yesterday
I had programming to a gay. Today it was programming to like
Malays. Yesterday I was weak some hours, today the whole day.
Well, I don't like Malays that much which people may have noticed
the last days. though I like everywhere some people around.
Muslim is not my stuff and I am not interested to get closer.
And this terror,  to program me to like Malays does not contribute
to better feel feelings towards them, I am pissed
off by this.
But I do not know who did this terror to me and so I do not know
where to direct my anger to.

Friday, November 08, 2013

I had yesterday and today massive stimulation of abusing sex.
Today it was like this, that I stayed in bed for some time and
needed some time to recover. Thai massage helped with that.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

The last post was about Thais in my environment. Some signs
tell me to do this better with complete privacy and not just
put it on a draft on my blog. That is the same as publishing
I had today massive Stimulation of abusing sex. It changed
something in me.The stress brought me down.
I did not much today. Usually I have a plan, but I did not
follow it today.

Monday, November 04, 2013

I had today again stimulation of abusing sex and huge programming, the change in my mind was noticeable quickly when I woke up.

Friday, November 01, 2013

I stayed a few days again in Padang Bezar. I had hard stimulation
of abusing sex twice.
It cost me hours to recover from such. The last time I was there
I had hardly any stimulation of abusing sex.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lynn Weed from
sent me an email with the following headline:

Breaking News!!!... a good thing has Happened, someone found that FFCHS had been contacted by Charles Manson... It's turns out He was Experiencing all the Covert Surveillance and Electronic Torture of Targeted Individuals

comment: is a website of targets of Gangstalking and mindcontrol techniques.
Charles Manson stated to FFCHS, another website for such targets, that he had all the
symptoms mind control victims experience. 
I have not a confirmation for this information so I am not sure if that happens. 
That means he was possibly a mind control victim before he went on the murder spree.
He probably also had mental problems before but when you know that mental sick
people do not  commit crimes more than the average citizen then you see that you
cannot simply blame his mental problems for the massacre he did.  It is reasonable to assume that something else or a lot additionally happened in his life which finally caused him to do such.
Mind control technologies are able to exploit mental problems are maybe to blame for this.

What about regulating Mind Control technologies in the US?

It was tried but not done about 10 years ago. But, you won't,  because in power you want to have fun with such including inducing massacres and sexual abuse. Further they are used for control, manipulation. Many Thais like this as well. But such chit Thais do not have to tell me anything.
I resist to my best abilities.

I advised against yahoo. I had repeated trouble with yahoo some years ago, which made me turn away from it. I tried it again, I thought new management maybe is it better now,
but I had quickly some trouble with it. I do not want to use Yahoo and run in this
repeated trouble again. But I am not sure if it will happen.

But the indian email provider causes me more trouble than yahoo.
Asks me to change my password or I cannot use rediff. They did this now already
several times. I decide when I change the password.

Some time ago I could not change my password even if I wanted.

Quite often files,information which is not mainstream, did  not arrive

or got in the bulk folder.

Spam protection is by far the worst I know!

Miserable behaviour of this mail

Die letzten beiden Tage hatte ich wieder staerkere versteckte Schikanen und ein Haufen
Stimmen bezueglich dieser.
Ich hatte die letzte Zeit wieder mehr Englisch gelernt weil es mir besser ging.
Die letzten beiden Tage wurde dies aber wieder deutlich weniger.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

WORLD: Neuroweapons; Inside Story of the US mind control project

This topic is neglected by purpose. Power hungry
politicians all over the world dream of total control
of the human being, dream
of reintroducing slavery, if they haven't done it yet.
There are people who speak about an ongoing silent
holocaust by radiation weapons. Because the
source is radiation it is difficult to prove.
Once an attack is over you hardly can prove

The excuse for such research is helping people
with mental problems. But the stuff can be used
on all for the purpose of control.
What helps people with mental problems is
leaving them their freedom and dignity. But with
the modern institutions this is exactly what these
people don't get.
These people can do much for their mental health
which often does not cost that much: Meditation,
Yoga, selfhelp EFT and many other things or
costlier therapies.
The number of mental sich people who are that
sick that they cannot be reached by the above is 
small often poor actually not lucracive.
But industries spend a lot of money and have
government support to get able to 
manipulate  the brain. Because they want control
and then exploit the control.

I state, I am a target of manipulation and torture
of any remote radiation caused by unknown 
sources for 18 years now.
Quite often the stress and pain of such
made me passive for longer time of the
day  mental facilities worked on a lower level.
It has given me sicknesses and made  my life
Those who do it enjoy it, like programming
and stimulating of sexual abuse.

Do you really expect anything better from
authorities than for instance performing
sexual abuse when they have the chance
to get off uncaught?
At least such people are among them who
will do such.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The last days I had except one day stimulation and programming
 of abusing sex. Twice it was heavier.
Several Thais are holding talks in which I get mocked.

There is another sign that the terror restarted in Thailand from Thais.

I do not know why the Thais are mocking me but it is a bad sign.
Anyway, this mocking Thais should eat their own chit that is
proper food for them.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

 I had again stimulation of abusing sex in Had Yai.
to my personal estimation it was a Thai woman. 
The stress and pain of such remains the whole day and
makes relating to others less pleasant.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The last days strong harassment has started again.I do not recover the whole day from the stimulation
of abusing sex of programming of such and programming in my dreams.
voices say that they have many people destroyed, people would be sitting in a wheelchair now and be doing nothing anymore. That could happen also to me.
I have Arthritis, heavy Allergies, Depression allrelated to the terror I had for years.
I have been down for long time because of the terror and started to develop internal
strength again some days ago. My mind is still not in the shape it could be. Processing power is far
from normal .Being down means to have no power to solve problems, also just mental problems
to process data.

This seemed to come back a little.
Now with the terror it will go again and when I am unlucky I get more sick more disabled.
Fucking Thais are doing this terror. There is no Foreigner around in Chaiya and in Surat Thani.
I do not know why this fucking Thai chit does such. Wait one thing is what I know why such
Thais do such. This Thai chit draws happiness from putting others down, into misery. This Thai chit draws happiness form destroying others life.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

The lasts days I had stimulation of abusing sex in sleep.
How much my sensibilities play a role in it |I do not know.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Last night asleep I had programming in my dreams which is actually refering to my last post in anycomments.
I was obedient listening what the better educated had to say just taking in.
Where this ends up you see in America where they struggle to get at least GMOs labeled instead of getting them banned. You invite educated criminals at the top which rip off the people when too many easily believe in the political authorities in power. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gestern hatte ich massive Programmierung von missbraeuchlichem Sex. am Morgen in den Schlaf.
Spaeter bekam ich dann Probleme mit mir, wie ich es schon oefters hatte bei starker Programmierung.,
Missbraeuchlicher Sex ist jeder Sex der ohne meine Einwilligung stimuliert wird
Ich moechte dies nicht im Detail beschreiben was gestern war. Ich hatte jedenfalls staerkere Schmerzen
die meiste Zeit des Tages.

Heute morgen hatte ich wieder Stimulierung von mu\issbraeuchlichem Sex. In Thailand hatte ich dies
fast die ganze letzte Zeit. Ich bin deswegen ziemlich sauer das dies organisiert in Thailand so weiter geht.
Im Alltag jedoch sind Thais meist nett, welches ich angenehm finde.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I had the last days stimulation of abusing sex in sleep. This makes
 me weaker during the day. I have pain to differnet degrees during
the day then.There was also some discussions in my head where it
was tried to make me join the social democrats. It is sometakes
real work to disrupt the mental buildings which are tried to build
up to make me join them. I have to be mindful todo that of they
may get me this way. They have the chance to do so for 18 years
now and will go on trying. The technology related to such terror
is in western so called democracies not regulated it is not spoken
The victims are left in the lurch, mocked labeled crazy.
Miserable parliamentary democracy.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I had at about 4 o clock stimulation of abusing sex which woke
me up. I suspect the young woman staying beside me for this
and for some heavy stimulations of abusing sex the days before
Later in the morning the same and programming in my dreams.

 It is altogether that hard that I am that down, that I just want
 to no more stay there.
Exactly may be the purpose of such. I spend  less money when I
sleep in my flat than when I am travelling and staying in guesthouses.
I had it now three times in different locations that when I stay long
time anywhere in Thailand harassment went up.

Monday, September 09, 2013

Today I had strong programming of gay sex. Some days before it still was sadistic sex. I am disappointed by neighboring Thais to participate in stimulating this sadistic sex.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

I had again today during sleep heavy stimulation of abusing sex. I meditated a lot today and  after long time I
noticed my being depressive. There are a lot of voices which say it would go on like this others say it would stop now for some reasons. such contradictory voices I hear quite often
Fucking Thais did this.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

I had again stimulation of abusing sex, sadistic sex and programming in my dreams. The primary suspect is from my direct environment.

Yesterday I read a report in the FAZ which stressed the civil rights of the people in the West contrary to Russia. I am for 18 years a victim of gang stalking and mind control weapons and it is difficult to get out.
Many people are victims of such so the civil rights of the Western World are just another lie.
The leaders of the West have the means to easily  turn the Foundations of the West into a lie for anyone they want, whenever they want.

A part of this means are the mind control weapons which the US refuses to regulate by law.
Russia has done this.

On the other hand how in Russia it is dealt with homosexuals is
disappointing. Not to allow pro propaganda for homosexuals is
 an interesting point to think about, but criminalizing them and
punishing how it is happening in the country is not a way a
civilized country should accept or tolerate. To improve tolerance
for homosexuals should go hand in hand with the law against
propaganda for homosexuals.

I had yesterday stimulation of abusing sex and today the same but very strong the first time for a longer time.
It weakens me and makes me feel bad more than this day.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

I had the last 2 days again  stronger stimulation of abusing sex. I was down for longer time these days.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Last night I felt awake stronger emotional attacks related to abusing sex. I had a talk in my head and as I sweared at the voices the stress with the psychic attack got stronger. I tried to find out where they were from and found they came probably from room 2 and from room 30.  In room 2 there were two sources doing such attacks. One at the height of the bed another one at the height of about my head.
I have to assume that in room 2 organized harassment was being done. I have no means to go ahead when I notice such. To prove anything is difficult as it has to do with radiation. Once the attack is over you can't prove anything. Maybe with expensive equipment but I am not sure. I would welcome some information how to go ahead.
On the other hand measurements I do are no sure indicators there may be easily mistakes inside also because I can't go up to the source in such rooms.
I would like to go more in the direction to prove something. Has anybody experience with that?

I have added an email address to the blog so you can contact me as with just commenting to my blog may leave me without the possibility to answer as reply addresses are not accessible on comments.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Yesterday I had a talk in my head. I intended to post a little
against the social democrats in Germany. It is election soon
in Germany. I was then threatened by voices that I then
 would have again harassment. The last days it was not that
heavy so I could recover bodily and psychologically. I was
quite down before.
I have net yet written posts against social democrats but had
stimulation of abusing sex during sleep, programming of such
and as a result I am down.
Now I have to write something unpleasant about the
social democrats in Germany, because I had the harassment
already without writing anything.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I had the last time probably stimulation of abusing sex and a lot of voices.
I write probably because such can also come from people around or also
from me. I am not yet emotionally out of such stuff.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

I had today again stimulation of abusing sex and as consequence of that I was down much of the day.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

I had stimulation of abusing sex and I noticed also programming
 into my dreams into my sleep.
Some hours I needed to partly recover from that. There is also
 pressure to join the democrats. I think one of the most important
 things nowadays is to eliminate them.
I am an example that they use Mind Control torture and
 gangstalking to try to recruit new members. So democrats
are terrorist organisation. Is this because they work together
with another terror organisation called al quaeda in Syria
against the government of Assad?
How should I prove that. It works over any radiation that there
is this asking me to become a democrat. I do not have the money
 to get people to prove that this is happening. Mind Control
weapons exist but are not regulated in the US and many places
In one of my former posts I mentioned one trial to get Mind
Control weapons regulated in the US which failed.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The following belongs to MC.  The US government does not regulate weapons related  to Mind Control and with this as a fact at least supports crimes done with such weapons if it does not do this crimes itself. But this is valid also for many other governments.
Now  it hunts people which unveil its secrets including its crimes and fights the private secrets of the people.

It puts an emailprovider under pressure to get to private data.
This way sooner or later no provider of email services which offers an secure email service can honestly survive if there is not fought against the government.

My Fellow Users,
I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul searching, I have decided to suspend operations. I wish that I could legally share with you the events that led to my decision. I cannot. I feel you deserve to know what’s going on--the first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this. Unfortunately, Congress has passed laws that say otherwise. As things currently stand, I cannot share my experiences over the last six weeks, even though I have twice made the appropriate requests.
What’s going to happen now? We’ve already started preparing the paperwork needed to continue to fight for the Constitution in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. A favorable decision would allow me resurrect Lavabit as an American company.
This experience has taught me one very important lesson: without congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would _strongly_ recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States.
Ladar Levison
Owner and Operator, Lavabit LLC
Defending the constitution is expensive! Help us by donating to the Lavabit Legal Defense Fund here.
I have a lot of voices the last days. Stimulation of abusing sex is only very weak if at all. And this may be because of sensivities.
But programming of gay sex is there.

Friday, August 09, 2013

I have the last time asleep again massive stimulation of abusing sex. When I came down in the lounge this issue seemed to have been noticed by people and they partly were doing it themselves.Psychic attacks related to stimulation of abusing sex.
the place where I stayed before was much better related to this.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Some days before I changed the place where I stay in Penang.
I have had stimulation of abusing sex in the new place.repeatedly
I have this for 18 years now this stimulation of abusing sex.
Because of it I developed a sleep problem. I need most times
I want to sleep hours to fall into.
It is rather often that I can't sleep the whole night though I try.

This problem I did not have before I became a victim of
gangstalking and Mind control weapons in 1995.

Once I noticed programming of gay sex after the programming.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ex-Innenminister: Schily nennt Furcht vor Überwachungsstaat paranoid

aus dem Artikel
Otto Schily rät der SPD, die NSA-Ausspähaffäre nicht im Wahlkampf zu thematisieren. Die größte Gefahr gehe vom Terrorismus aus, nicht von Geheimdiensten, sagte der frühere Innenminister dem SPIEGEL. Die Furcht vor dem Staat trage "wahnhafte Züge".

Ach tatsaechlich? Vor einigen Tagen befand die Schnarre das die Vorwuerfe der SPD an die Regierung wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen scheinheilig seien,
Herr Schily haette solches in seiner Amtszeit ebenfalls  getan.

Im Gespräch mit dem SPIEGEL sagte Schily, man solle nicht so tun, als ob die größte Gefahr für die Menschen in Deutschland von derNational Security Agency ausgehe: "Die größte Gefahr geht vom Terrorismus und von der Organisierten Kriminalität aus.
Law and Order sind sozialdemokratische Werte

Kommentar; lAW AND ORDER der Sorte die der Obrigkeit dient und gegen das Individuum gerichtet ist. Ich denke das die SPD Beteiligung an Staatsterror beiteiligt ist, der teilweise durch die Ueberwachung ermoeglicht und unterstuetzt wird.

Die SPD ist eine top-down organisierte Kaderorganisation, die gegen Freiheit ist. Die Kontrolle des Individuums wird mit der Ueberwachung aber auch mit auf Strahlen basierten Waffen gewaehrleistet. Ich bin ein Opfer solcher Waffen. 
Ich sehe die SPD, Demokraten weltweit als eine Gefahr fuer die Freiheit des
Individuums an.
Sie ist also mehr ein Schaafszuechterverein, weil sie Menschen zuf solche reduzieren will, als eine politische Partei.
Wenn Herr Schily so sehr auf Law und Order steht, sollte er sich darum kuemmern das die SPD als solcher Verein registriert wird.

Fairerweise will ich sagen das in einer parlamentarischen Demokratie die meisten Parteien eher Schaafszuechtervereine sind oder nach einiger Zeit werden. Die SPD ist es von ihrer Anlage her.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Today I managed not to get sexual  hrassment today but the voices say it will be reorganized. But I did not get enough sleep.
When I tried today there were people loudly talking outside in the lounge with breaks in this so you could not adjust to this.

Monday, July 15, 2013

I noticed yesterday that daily activities went better than much of the last time.. The harassment the last days was not so hard I thought which is probably right. There may be also letting go of my mind. There seem to have been control which kept me down rather often I was down. I do not know how such could be possible. Through monitoring of my mind with being able to interfere at any time?
.This sexual harassment especially which I have had now for many years drives me regularly into a burnout, For me this means being much less active than without it.. This burnout made me passive for hours every day and depressive the rest. I could not made up my mind easily, could not concentrate long, weak mental performance. I did not much often shied away from simple tasks. It affected my body. I was just weak in sports.
Meditation was able to get me out of such quiet often. But gang stalking and MC were able to reduce my meditation practice. To get out of a burnout I need a lot of meditation with several hours every day for weeks but with sexual harassment I am into one again quickly.

I noticed today asleep no sexual harassment after I had a talk in my head before and it was noticed in this talk that this harassment gets me down. Could it mean that the harassers are more positive about me now. Maybe. I had also some comments which may be seen as helpful. My learning English regularly has to do with it. I heard that I could be now be seen more as a normalo.

I read in the TAZ an article about the ultrarunner. There is a ultramarathon in California. 217 km much through the desert.!119775/

They wrote that some runners can't sleep after the run with pain.

I had it regularly that I had too much pain to go to sleep again after sexual harassment during sleep.

Despite not having sexual harassment I feel mentally in a mess. Having to do with the voices, the harassment my life leaves me with too many issues which need attention

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I noticed two days ago that there may be another wave of programming to a social democrat by programming acceptance of maso sex and using this acceptance as a base for positive feelings to the social democrats.
hey tried to convince me many times to join them by voices which I think are from anywhere, any radiation.  They also seek this way around my consciousness to get positive feelings to the social democrats into me. Such programming is mostly this stimulation of abusing sex which gives me a harder life for years now. The first wave of programming to a social democrat I did not deprogram completely I also did not understand the connection to the maso feelings and the danger of longtime programming, of programming which adds up.
That SM feelings are more present in my life than lets say a decade ago has to do with this programming.
Such things which are played on me are certainly some of the favorite games of mainstream fanatics.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I had the last days again stimulation of abusing sex and
 programming of such. It weakens me during the day.
At the place where I stay now I had it not when I first
stayed there. After some days voices announced
harassment at that place and it started the next morning.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

There is no fucking title for this post

I had twice stimulation of abusing sex and then have trouble with feelings and thoughts of such sex during the day.

Monday, July 01, 2013


I had during sleep strong programming and stimulation of abusing sex. It was about programming of  acceptance of gay sex. This is massive influencing which I do not want apart from giving me stress and pain.

The googlers now force me to have a headline. I cannot publish a post without a headline.  Get  out of my blog. But they won't they will use every tiny portion of power they can get from every person which will admit it. I may change the blog now.

It is anyway mental sick to give everything a label and google adapting to this.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I could not sleep last night. There was fear. I have still pain from the last attacks.
Voices say they will destroy me.  They say in the place where I stay now the harassment would start now.

Friday, June 28, 2013

The last days I did assessment tests in English one at
I got  the result. Level: English proficiency. IELTS 9
 (highest level for general English)

This tests are approximate only but that much below
can my level not be. I know myself that I still have
to learn vocabulary to review grammar and want
more confidence in the language when it gets into
detailed speaking.

I have been learning English for some years every
 day 2 hours. But with decling health and ongoing
 partly severe harassment I lost discipline. I want to
 get it back and go on learning to make real tests.
Language proficiency is a proper level to teach English.
I would need aditional knowledge and skills in teaching
and make a test there to become a certified English
With the ongoing harassment this will be difficult.
So I ask for support against this. I recognize that some
Thais look down on me like to mock me probably
due to my psychological problems, they recognize or
get told by others. The harassment is done by Thais,
who else where I stay and I have noticed Thais having
fun with it. So Thais quiete some Thais get happiness
with making people suffer including from stimulation
of sexual abuse. This seems to be part of Thai culture.
So Primitivity and repulsiveness are stronger than culture
in Thailand up to now in my personal experience.I do
not exactly expect it to change because the next prevealing
features of too many Thais are arrogance, stupidity and
Yet, I would love it when you prove me wrong.

Today I had again stimulation of abusing sex which during the day turned out to be giving me pain and making me partly passive. Voices say they will destroy me. I had it in Malaysia too and harassment which brought me down. Such will possibly happen again.
It comes over any radiation. I do not know how that happens.
I do not know how to go against such terror.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I had this morning during sleep painful stimulation of abusing sex. I then run in trouble with me during the day.
Thailand will be in my memory for much of such abuse.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I had in Thailand the last days again stronger stimulation of abusing sex, which gives me trouble during the day.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I had the last days stimulation of abusing sex, which was not that strong.
Today the first time it was stronger. And this was announced yesterday
by voices in my mind.
I have often voices which try to convince, trick and
press me into becoming a social democrat. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Yesterday and today I had stronger stimulation of absing sex, which is then stressful and painful during the day.
I have clear now that yesterday was strong programming to a social democrat. Today Ihad stimulation of abusing sex and programming to a gay.

Monday, June 03, 2013

I had no stronger harassment the last days. I have to do with a lot of voices they are   partly inner voices it is also partly difficult to estimate them correctly.

I had once longer time stimulation of abusing sex while awake. It is then that I have trouble
to get away from this stimulation.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The last days I have massive stimulation of abusing sex in sleep. I need half a day to deal at least
to some degree with it and to do something but I do not get over the emotional injuries I note programming
to a social democrat but this may be also stuff which is older and in my head some time.
I do not know how to get out of this. This all happens over radiation.I do not know where it is from.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I have no more stimulation of SM sex now there is programming to a gay. Programming to like men is underway. I have to counter this.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Yesterday I had strong programming of SM sex.
I felt down the whole day. I have to do with
such through a abusive history and still slip in
it myself. But when there is programming
the whole is much stronger, it is often
reprogramming of such.
Today I woke also up with stimulation of abusing
sex and a whole bunch of programming which
changes my way of thinking forcibly
This is it what it is all about.
The establishment tortures, abuses me sexually,
brainwashes me to be a follower or it.

I state when you believe when you believe in
the western mainstraim then you are mad.
I am absolutely sure that the west is determined
to shape the world towards its idea, which
means it will turn the world at least in partly madness.

I do not know how long I will be able to hold
such views as brainwashing is going on.
I have a lot of programming to a democrat.
That means this organisation is nothing but
a terror organisation.
You can be sure that such terror organisations
are not hunted in the west. Too view understand
that though I am for sure not the only one who
gets targetted.
When I blame the democrats that does not mean
that conservatives are not to participating in
such activities. How to go against those who
rule even if there are a lot of crimes involved.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I often wanted to write reports about my experiences of MC, but I find myself repeatedly not thinking of it for months even if had planned to write down a lot. I also wanted to do something which may have helped with my MC but I notice that I just could not think of it for months.
I also have longer time had trouble doing meditation to the degree I need it to keep standing and not going down, this trouble is less but still there.
Yesterday I had again stimulation of abusing sex and I notice that I do not recovered from it.
I still have pain.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Yesterday, I had stimulation of abusing sex but it was not that heavy.
Today I had severe programming which brought me down the whole day
Malays are suspects. I do not support Malaysia becoming a first world country.
For that too many Malays are much too repulsive.. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Die letzten Tage hatte ich jedesmal Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex im Schlaf. Heute und vor wenigen
Tagen war dies sogar schwere Stimulation, die mich den ganzen Tag schwaecht.

Friday, March 29, 2013

I have again stimulation of abusing sex in sleep. But I state that
 anyone at this place may be doing it. One I already know.But
how can you stop someone doing it. Real Proof of such is
difficult. I just state that a bigger number of the people
 would enjoy sexual abuse when they know they get off uncaught.
Affording some sort of character has apparently become less
frequent maybe because it is often not profitable.

On the other hand a lot of stuff is organized terror.
I get woken up a short time before the alarm clock rings.
I want to go to a shop instead I fall asleep and wake up
shortly after the shop closed.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The last days I have regular stimulation of abusing sex during sleep. I am just not sure how much my sensitivities are involved.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Today in the morning I was woken up by a painful feeling. Voices told me that Penang would no more be so nice as it was before. I had hardly attacks I was last here.

In Kuala Lumpur I had several times stimulation of abusing sex sometimes hard. I assume some psychic attacks.
A lot of voices I had related to the abuses in Kuala Lumpur.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The last two days I had again stimulation of abusing sex in Had Yai.
There is aso programming and I have a lot of voices. It is difficult to separate between
my inner voice and the technical voice from outside.

Monday, February 18, 2013

I am staying in Had Yai in Cathey guesthouse. I hardly ever had there any harassment. Now there is quiete repeatedly such. Programming to a social democrat and programming to become truth twisting. Actuallhy the second is something like a precondition for a social democrat.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I got to Chaiya in the early morning. I felt already something like democrats programming
when arriving the road I live in. I had strong stimulation of abusing sex in the late morning probably by the muslim woman in the block of flats I live in. I noticed already that she likes such, she is a sadist.
I also feel that there is some programming.
I wanted to go to a massage. The lady said I go out to Internet I will be back in half an hour. She did not come back also in some time later.
I was told my rent will go up.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

I had again stimulation of abusing sex in sleep, which brings me down pretty much of the day. I don't do much, feel miserable and don't like to have much contact with people as these work much worse as they would without this stimulation.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Yesterday I noticed no stimulation of abusing sex. I had a lot of voices which said why it would have been abandoned. today I had it hard. I was the first hours quite down after I got up. I slept more hours than necessary. I noticed massive gay programming during the day.

Friday, February 01, 2013

500 000 Euro sind die Grenze

500 000 Euro sind die Grenze: Linke will mit 100-Prozent-Steuersatz an das Geld der Reichen - weiter lesen auf FOCUS Online:

Linke will mit 100-Prozent-Steuersatz an das Geld der Reichen

500 000 Euro sind die Grenze: Linke will mit 100-Prozent-Steuersatz an das Geld der Reichen - weiter lesen auf FOCUS Online:

Ich habe zweimal Mercedesfahrer als Gangstalker erkannt.
Also wenn die Gangstakling machen koennen und Geisteskontrolltechnicken
benutzen, die Terror inklusive sexuellem Missbrauch ueber Strahlung verbreiten, dann koennen diese auch kraeftig Steuern zahlen.
Ich war eigentlich nie neidisch auf Leute mit teurem Auto oder viel Geld.
Aber seit mir mit Geisteskontrollwaffen meine ohnehin geminderten Chancen gestohlen werden, bin ich es.
Man kann auch ein Auto aehnlich einem Trabi fahren, man braucht keinen Mercedes.
Reiche brauchen keine teuren Villas, man kann auch in einer kleinen einfachen Wohnung leben.
Reiche haben sowieso Einfluss auf die Politik, dann sollen sie diesen mal nutzen um
diese verbrecheriche Technicken unter Kontrolle zu bringen anstatt sich auch illegal auch mit diesen zu bereichern

Solange diese Geisteskontrolltechnicken nicht geregelt sind und Hilfe dagegen unproblematisch erhaeltlich ist unterstuetzte ich eine solche Steuerpolitik und denke andere sollten es sich ueberlegen, dies auch zu tun.
Two days before in the evening stimulation of sm sex stopped. I had this for a few years now and slipped for myself very often into sexual fantasies about sm. It was just over two days before. I did not have much interest anymore to follow such fantasies. Stimulation came from outside the stuff was to a good deal not mine.But the terror was not over. I had for two days massive stimulation of gay sex which brought irregular body movements during the day. So the way they did this also stopped after voices spoke about that. The last night I had massive programming of gay sex. It brought me down. I felt miserable I had trouble to get up and to stay up for longer time. I did not do anything for a few hours in the morning. When I went out I noticed the programming I was also more sensitive for psychic attacks than at other times.
This terror is difficult to prove. I would appreciate support with this.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I had last time asleep massive stimulation of abusing sex. I spent long time in bed afterwards and had irregular body movements in the evening. Thais nearby are the first suspects.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Again all days I stayed in Pattaya I had stressful sexual harassment in my sleep.
Usually there is any Thai support, though where I stay at the moment
it is not necessary.
Because there is support for organized
sexual harassment and the use of mind control technology against me for a long time at different places in Thailand there can't be any serious positive review about this country.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I am in Pattaya since a few days.
I have had all days sexual harassment during sleep.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

I had again stimulation of abusing sex this night, probably psychic attack form a idiotic Thai not far away.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

I had stimulation and programming of abusing sex the last days.