Saturday, December 24, 2016

In nearly all guesthouses where I stay and the owner is Chinese I have
I had today other thing go wrong with Chinese
So I think China must be contained.
Russia, Japan the Asian countries maybe India should work together
to contain it
The intellectual drain of smaller countries because some or their best
go to China must be addressed.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

I had voices 2 days ago which said the terror would restart. I had
a break of some days. So it happened. Yesterday I had terror and
today that much that I needed hours to get by with it.
I had sexual harassment but this time it was gay stimulation.
Voices say they may want to bring me to a breakdown to deliver
me to psychiatry and then social engineering to the person they like.
Or put me in a home for disabled.
But voices say a lot. I notice a lot of very hard programming to a
democrat.But I know that what I think about what I notice may look
different after I look some time at it. This programming may have
been there before.
They say the want to destroy me it would take only some days now.
On the other hand voices reminded me of programming to a democrat
I had some time ago which I noticed at that time but did not counter
enough at that time.They would accept me being an Anarchist or
or sympathize with Anarchy.

German authorities 'knew about Christmas market terror plot days before the Berlin lorry attack was carried out'

Read more:
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Koennte es sein das die 'Autoritaeten' sich die besten Zuschauerplaetze
fuer das Spektakel ausgesucht haben?  Na ja, Ich mein ja nur.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Today in the morning I had again stimulation of abusing sex.
There is another point. I looked up information about
Alzheimer's. I found that being not able to concentrate,
not being able to take in information or keep it, not being able
to process information more often are probably signs of
being on the way to Alzheimer's. I had this more often the
last years. The stimulation of abusing sex was one of the
most devastasting for my body and mind. I ascribe the
symptoms largely to this. This stimulation was often
very stressful and burning me out. Another point was
probably  mental influence which held me from
meditation. I could not do it much the last years.
When I started various stuff happened. I got heavy
stimulation of stress or distractions of my mind or quickly
 rerouted to other activities which I was not able to notice
quickly. Such people who did such stimulation  and enjoyed it are
just  pieces of character rubbish.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Brain Implants To Cure Mental Disorders May Soon Be A Thing

They want to play with your brain and saying they are helping?

I state this way to mess about the brain by an implant is about control.
Governments mostly are not interested in healing mental sickness.
They rather want to exploit the weaknesses mental sick people have.
They do not support orthomolecular medicine which offers scientific
evidence of healing mental sickness.
One probable reason is that such medicine just heals it does not
offer much to manipulate and control people as Psychiatry does,
Psychiatry is supported by governments and does not offer healing.

So it is important for people to learn to turn against the
control junkies in governments.

Monday, December 12, 2016

I had no harassment for some days and started to get better
but the last days sexual harassment restarted. The consequence
is that I am down again and again getting more passive.
When you have a history of sexual abuse you experience 
that many people want to repeat the abuse I had it that
also with a therapist in Germany. Not much about humans.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Mass surveillance exposed by Snowden is about control, not counterterrorism – Oliver Stone to RT

I am not surveilled but also harassed up to the level to get multiple
sicknesses. Harassment happens over radiation.
I assume now the idea behind this harassment is social engenering.
I notice influence of voices and programming of my mind.
When I speak about such hardly anyone understands the matter
of covert harassment.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Today I woke up and felt a little recovered which also affected the
mind. I do not know when I had such the last time but I was used
to such and stronger recoveries during sleep before my
harassment started 21 years ago.

The last days I have spent much in bed. I am a few hours up now
and want to go to bed again.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

I watched a presentation of Shawn Stenenson about sleep.
He said about that the body detoxifies during sleep.  This
would be the main way to detoxify the body.
Recent research would show that the unability to detoxify
the brain would be the major reason why Alzheimer' s develops.
I do not know the exact words Mr Stevenson said. So the
meaning of his words can be a little different in detail but
hardly in the main point.

I am a target of gang stakling and mind control activities for
21 years now.
I am woken up often in the night 3 times.
I have programming in my dreams which is stressful.
I have stimulation of abusing sex which has in the past
often that painful that I could no more go to sleep this night.
I have had with this stimulation of abusing sex over
distance sexual abuse for many years with varIous effects
on my health.

For longer time I am worse organized than before.
Such happened due to the ongoing harassment
The last time I noticed forgetfulness.
Last week for instance I lost my key, my umbrella
and my shoes in a few days. I need time to recognize
people know but not much.

So this forgetfulness may be an indicator of a degenerative
disease whih leads to death after some time

With that the harassment can be considered as tried murder.

I hear voices also such which are not my own.
They say they want to get me to breakdown
Then I could be sent to Germany and there put in a care
facility after being deprived of the right of decision.
I do not want that. So they use this means.

That is just an idea why this harassment is happening.
The whole stuff looks like being German social politics.

My sister is living in a care facility which costs the taxpayer
3500,- Euro a month. If she would have been treated like a
human being she would be able to walk and take care of
of herself This would cost a quarter of a care facility if she
would need state support.
After having harassment for years her body gave up when she
dos the first time in psychiatry. I know it was at that time.
She developped multiple sclerosis and lives in a roll chair now
There have been reports on deaths related to such harassment.

They do not care about the damage they do and you can be sure
 they  do not care what you want.

Monday, November 14, 2016

I had yesterday stimulation of abusing sex .
and I notice programming.
Voices trying to get me to jump to conclusions.
Some voices which I had a long time have

Saturday, November 12, 2016

I wanted to write it already but I did not.
The day after the election I could much
easier be active than the days before.
I refer to my blog entry before this one.

Today I had strong stimulation of abusing
sex. When I got down into the cafe of
the place where I stay two woman contacted
me emotionally this way. Maybe they have
been doing it before as well.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

I actually wanted to write something related to the
election in the US but I had 2 bad days now and did
not do much. Some stress may have been from
guests, but some I do no know. I had such often in
the past. Influence was like this that I could not
even think of learning English after I had done it for
years consequently.
Or being able to do some stuff and then for some time
hardly anything.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

I had all the last days stimulation of abusing sex into
sleep in the guesthouses where I stay.

Monday, October 31, 2016

I had today again strong stimulation of abusing sex.
I assume somebody of the place where I stay.
But at the moment I have my mind for myself.
That is quiete a lot. I have the hope that I get
back in track in some time.
What is disturbing are voices which are speaking
a lot. Then they are probably trying education.
I want to do it myself but it is already happening.
I got into trouble with somebody who insulted me
repeatedly. I then sat down alone for a while was
thinking but maybe also programmed.
The words I had  in my mind were similar of the
words the staff in the restaurant later said.
So are they trying to educate me here in Malaysia
The point is I do then not think for myself I just
take solutions and land up in a model from the top.
Thinking myself takes longer but solutions can be
more individual.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

I had voices the last days. I woke up with abusing sex stimulated
every time. To a good degree it has to do with my allergy.
But probably not always. It is strange when once a complete
sex is stimulated in the same room hardly anything changed.
The influence voices and harassment have is meanwhile strong.
I do not manage to be that decisive and active I used to be also
because there is programming which keeps me away from it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Two days ago  and yesterday I had stimulation of abusing sex but not that strong maybe related to my allergies. Today my first day in Malaysia I had very hard of such. It is that strong that it burns me out.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Today I was woken up by stimulation of gay sex.\
That brings me emotionally in trouble which I have
to deal with hopefully

Thursday, October 20, 2016

The day before yesterday I had heavy stimulation
of abusing sex into sleep in the morning.
Today I had enthusiasm programmed related to
The enthusiasm is about the same related to abusing sex
while they program in my dreams

Monday, October 17, 2016

Today I had reprogramming of of sm sex.
This I had quite often already. It gets me into
trouble with me later. But my allergies may
have contributed to such. I do not know
how much.

Today I had reprogramming of of sm sex.
This I had quite often already. It gets me into
trouble with me later. But my allergies may
have contributed to such. I do not know
how much.

Friday, October 14, 2016

I had today seemingly not stimulation but something like
programming or reprogramming of abusive sex. It was painful and
stressful during the day.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ich hatte nach der letzten Post wieder Stimulation von
missbraeuchlichem Sex und wieder danach mit Vergesslichkeit zu tun.
Danach hatte ich es ein paar Tage nicht und ich erholte mich ein wenig.
Es ging aber heute morgen wieder los und auch kraeftig.
Dies war auch gestern angekuendigt.
Diese Stimulation von  ist ein boeser Stress welcher mein Immunsystem
ueberfordert und mich sehr ausgelaugt hat. Es geht wohl darum
durch den Terror Beiinflussung, Kontrolle leichter zu machen und
aufrecht zu halten.
Die Rote Pest international (SPD, democrats) gibt sich in den Stimmen immer
wieder zu erkennen. Aber wer sagt denn das das stimmt.
Das ist das was die Schwachkoepfe ins Hirn faseln.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

I had sexual harassment the last days. One day I spoke on the phone to
somebody and noted that I could not remember common words of my
native language. I started then listening to talks related to the threat
of alzheimer's.

The next day after I had this memory problems I did not have sexual
harassment like usual into sleep and wake up from it. Voices told me
that this stepping over me would contribute to the problem.
 I had starting from that day sexual harassment during the day just
 by overwhelming my consciousness with positive  feelings related to
 SM sex.
So approval to such sex was fiddled getting around of the first kind of
stepping over me. I could not do anything at first but getting
conscious about the unpleasant feelings about such inner resistance
build up. I did not manage to do that before.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

I can easier be active now I hope this remains. When the
harassment is too strong I cannot. I also cannot concentrate.
I notice that there has been programming towards the
conservatives. Actually Clinton is the person elected by
those with a low income like me. This came to my mind
But altogether I keep distance to the big parties.
My mat I sleep on and have cleaned and the piece of
cloth I use on it both I found stimulating SM sex.
They have not been like this yet. I used them many
times. Well, Thais know which household items to
use to stimulate such and performed it on me before
in Hotel Bandon Surat Thani. The reception
went along with such.
May be now I have a similar issue or gang stalking.
There is no supervision of clothes drying outside but
family member from room Nr 5 are much of the time
around there and would notice anything apart from
some hours in the night or may be supporting such.
I do not know but I won't unjustly be suspicious about

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I had voices yesterday which announced harassment which
I had in the morning. I am not sure how much my allergies
or chemicals play a role. 
Gestern hatte ich keine Schikanen. Es war angekuendigt es
wuerde nie mehr sein.
Gestern wurde aber fuer heute wieder Schikanen angekuendigt
Ich hatte wieder Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex.
Dies hat wie ueblich  verheerende Wirkungen. Wenn es mir
einigermassen gut geht, gehe ich eine Liste mit englischen
Vokablen relativ schnell durch. Heute stoppte ich nach
wenigen Worten. Ich werde passiver und niedergeschlagen.
Heute kuendigten Stimmen wieder an es gaebe morgen
keinen Aerger fuer mich. Na ja, das kann sich im Laufe
des Abends noch aendern.
Gestern hatte ich keine Schikanen. Es war angekuendigt es
wuerde nie mehr sein.

Gestern wurde aber fuer heute wieder Schikenan angekuendigt
Ich hatte wieder Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex.
Dies hat wie ueblich  verheerende Wirkungen. Wenn es mir
einigermassen gut geht, gehe ich eine Liste mit englischen
Vokablen relativ schnell durch. Heute stoppte ich nach
wenigen Worten. Ich werde passiver und niedergeschlagen.
Heute kuendigten Stimmen wieder an es gaebe morgen
keinen Aerger fuer mich. Na ja, das kann sich im Laufe
des Abends noch aendern.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Voices say it would be the goal to drive me that far enough
down to be able to put me  in an institution.
NO. I do not go alive in an institution. I have to prepare
for this and do what I can to be strong enough to act
Again heavy stimulation of abusing sex. Voices are saying
that such will go on, while voices say freedom is essential
the first time I have this voices when I remember right.
Democrats are a utmost enemy of freedom and fight it
that I know for decades. Conservatives I experienced even
worse in Germany under Helmut Kohl and afterwards.
But it is the nature of governments to try to control
and manage everything up to the detail with not that much
interest in the damage they do. Just mad with power
and playing around with it using any imaginable lie to
justify its further ongoing use using any available means
to keep on going this way. This seems to be the nature of
government. Maybe I am too much generalizing. Then I want
to see the differrence now. How about putting Mind Control
weapons under control? You won't, right. You want go on
playing, right?

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Ich hatte stimulation von mussbraeuchlichem Sex und habe
deswegen Schmerzen bin niedergeschlagen aber nicht
kraftlos wie sonst oefters.

I notice now heavy programming of abusing sex. I can't remember
having had such. I sit in a chair repeatedly during the day for some
time feel depressed.
I also noticed some programming to a social democrat some days
ago I had stress and pain I could not bear and it was tried to press
to join them. But they are playing. If they really wanted such
they would stick to such a plan. Or they are permanently tricking
around to achieve my approval for them. I have often voices
related to democrats being the good choice, Doing such is some 
sort of terrorism
I had again stimulation of abusing sex. Again exhausted in the
morning. There may be people in the environment involved.
Actually all Thais in my direct environment have already been
stimulating such.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

I had again stimulation of abusing sex, gay sex. It has also to
do with my allergies. The extent of stress is dangerous.
Vor zwei Tagen hab ich im Kopf ueber die USA hergezogen.
Ich sprach von der amerikanischen Mainstreamsekte, die zum
Beispiel Angelina Jolie nur angriff weil sie ein Stueck anders
ist halt kein richtiges Mainstream Normvieh.
Ich hatte es auch das mich ein Mitglied dieser Sekte in Malaysia
schikanierte, hintenrum natuerlich ohne das ich dieser Person
meines Wissens einen Grund dafuer geliefert habe.

Am naechsten Tag war ich ueberrascht. Ich habe die letzte Zeit
oefters auf youtube Musik gehoert. Ein Song der Hollies
hatte mir dabei gut gefallen. Ich hoerte ihn oefters.
Gestern war dann auf youtube in der Liste der Songs die ich von
den Hollies hoeren konnte anders. Andere Songs die dem einen
der mir besonders gefiel aehnelten  waren nun mit dabei.
Dies war vorher und leider heute auch nicht mehr der Fall.
Das heisst das youtube eine Vorauswahl der Songs betreibt
Ich habe vorher nach anderen Songs der Gruppe die mir
gefallen koennten gesucht und diese nicht gefunden.
Ich finde es wunderbar das ich umsonst Musik auf youtube
hoeren kann aber diese Vorauswahl ist schade, enttaeuschend.
Wie bei Facebook, google findet das Einflussnahme statt.

Zu dem Thema passt:

Handynummer reicht für Tötung per Drohne

Wird aus ideologischen Gruenden getoetet oder ist solches zumindest teilweise inklusive?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The stimulation today was that strong that I was sitting around
repeatedly also talking less than yesterday.

Monday, September 19, 2016

I have the last days programming of gay sex.
This morning I woke up heavily exhausted
after stimulation of abusing sex.
Voices are also like that that they hint at
programming they have done or are doing.
It was tried the last time to convince me to
become a social democrat.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

I had heavy also sexual harassment this time when
I wake up. I was weakened for today. Possibly

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I had longer time stimulation of abusing sex this time asleep
and strong pain afterwards. But my allergies play a role in it.
Pain became less when I removed an item near my bed.

Monday, September 12, 2016

I had heavy stimulation of sm sex during sleep.
As I am involved with positive emotions which does
not mean that I want it I slipped into it with fantasies
about it. I have pain during the day.
I noticed that what I use as a bed sheet appeared highly
stressful to lie on though it had been washed before.
It was the second which gave me huge stress in a few days.
I do not know yet where the stress came from with the
second sheet. The first I know it was drying on a rope
which discoloured the sheet. I was allergic against
these chemicals on it.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

I had in the morning stimulation of abusing sex and heavy
 programming. It came from the teens in room 2 or one with
their guests. Even Thai teens engage in this. I had sometime
ago a maybe 10 year old boy stimulating abusing sex.
This stimulating abusing sex  is a disgusting thing many Thais do
Maybe part of Thai culture or what?

Thursday, September 08, 2016

In the morning today I did not have any stimulation of bad sex.
which aroused me and made me feel stressed.
Somehow there was programming of such sex without giving
me this stress initially but the programming has its negative

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

The stimulation of absing sex includes programming to a gay.
I wrote that i would prefer stimulation of gay stuff to sadistic
stuff. The message was not complete. I preferred it once
because the gay stuff was easier to deal with as it was not
so strong as the sadistic stuff.
Heavy stimulation of gay stuff is stress- and painful.

I had again stimulation of abusing sex in the morning. It drains my
power and is depressing.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

I had again stmulating of abusing sex and programming.
Voices turn against natural medicine and for capitalistic
medicine (Western Medicine)
Voices bother me nearly all the time.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

I had stronger stimulation of abusing sex in the morning.
I notice programming like the girl nearby. But I needed
some time to find out that things which look like
programming may also be things which have been inside
me and just unveiled.. But that does not mean there is no
The many years I had sexual harassment in Thailand are
a heavy burden on me. But I recently had again
stimulation of such sex from Thais again. They like it.
A nation with many potential sexual abusers and they like it.
At least they don't threat you when you complain about
stimulation of such like I had it repeatedly with Chinese.
In my direct environment of my flat I had it that the
contact I had to the Thai girl was prevented.
A woman who has a restaurant on the site of my
landlord was first nice then cold. the woman in flat nr 4
was often up to a small talk now no more. The guy in
nr 2 is now also distant.The man from the family in nr 5
turned away from being nice.
This happened when I came from Malaysia. I do not know

Yesterday morning  woke up with  pain but did not notice any
Stimulation of abusing sex. Such harassment I also know.
Today I had during the morning strong stimulation of SM Sex.
I noticed the direction after some time.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Ich hatte gestern direkte Stimmulierung von gay sex. Ich hatte den
ganzen Tag Schmerzen.

Friday, September 02, 2016

Vor TV-Talk von Maybrit IllnerMuslima verweigerte ihm den Handschlag: Jetzt spricht JU-Chef Ziemiak

Vor kurzem hatte ich es das ein Deutscher, der sich sehr schnell als sehr nervig erwiesen hatte und  zu dem ich  keinen Kontakt mehr wollte  auf mich zukommt und mir die Hand reicht. Ich habe ihm keine Hand gegeben Dieser wird darafhin pampig. Dies empfand ich als Unverschaemtheit. Es war aber noch nichtzu Ende. Spaeter kam er nochmal auf mich zu und wollte einen Handschlag. Ich verweigerte, Daraufhin fing er an in der Gemeinschaft ueber mich zu staenkern weil ich ihm den 
Handschlag verweigerte. Der Typ war vieleicht ein Gang Stalker. Das ist jemand der bewusst und organisiert Leuten auf den Nerven rumlaeuft.
Auf der anderen Seite ich beziehe mich dabei auf den Artikel den ich oben erwaehnte dieses man
haette sie anspucken sollen ist eine Beleidigung. Wenn ich mitbekomme das jemand der die
"Gruene" Frau Roth als ekelhaft ansieht und dann 3000,' Euro dafuer bezahlen muss koennte dieses
haette sie anspucken sollen auch kostentraechtig sein. Ich ziehe es aber vor das Worte nicht teuer bezahlt werden sollten. Die vielen Regelungen ueberall auch wild pinkeln kostet Geld macht ein Land ein Stueck zum Gefaengnis. Mir gefaellt es zum Beispiel wenn ich in einem asiatischen
Land mit einem Fahrrad falschrum in eine Einbahnstrasse einbiege und  Polizeibeamte schauen hin
und dann wieder weg und bleiben bei ihrem Plausch. Uebertiebenes, unnuetzes Regelgefurze kann
einem den Tag verderben.

Monday, August 29, 2016

I care about natural medicine. I notice that this is under attack
in MC. Well, they tried to program me to a German social democrat
and you know that Hillary Clinton is the bride of Frankenfoods (GMOs)
you know the MC programmer want to bring me mentally in line.

U.S. Human Rights
Abuse Report

By Cheryl Welsh
January 1998


The Problem 

A Classified Arms Race Between the Super Powers to Control the Human Mind and Body with Electromagnetic Technologies

Such technology is used on me.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

In Malaysia I managed to write a police report about somestuff I had
 there. In Thailand it appears to me it is more difficult to get my mind
directed to do such. I intended to do such but it did not work
Better it did not work again.I had it before. I am looking for a
scapegoat? Maybe a little but not only. It is also real that efforts have
been heavily attacked by MC efforts. I did not defeat that as I did not
defeat some other efforts.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

This heavy stimulation of abusing sex 2 days ago made me sick. I have
been in bed for much of the last days. Walking up the stairs was up to
this afternoon quite an effort. It had to do with pain, tension and stress.
Going out was an real effort. I was depressed. I feel better since the
afternoon but I do not feel good yet.
Doing things become quick an effort. My mind works slow I am not
able to read some time. I have been down not doing much the last
years. I could not do sports much because of such effects.
 Meditation helps me out of such.  But the road to well being with
 meditation is long and the positive  impacts are with new sexual
harassment quickly destroyed.
I think today meditation was blocked by MC.
I have voices saying they are destroying me now.
I do not know what happens if such heavy harassment goes on for
some time. Game over? Ruin? Slavery?

In my blog has a message been deleted. I am sure I was not doing it.
I am under surveillance. Remote monitoring is used or anything
similar. The harassers have my thoughts in near real time.

That means I cannot keep any password safe. They have them and
I cannot do anything. That is possibly why they are able to delete
posts in my blog. That is why they deleted all my contacts in my
google mail.

Remote Neural Monitoring
This heavy stimulation of abusing sex 2 days ago made me sick. I have
been in bed for much of the last days. Walking up the stairs was up to
this afternoon quite an effort. It had to do with pain, tension and stress.
Going out was an real effort. I was depressed. I feel better since the
afternoon but I do not feel good yet.
Doing things become quick an effort. My mind works slow I am not
able to read some time. I have been down not doing much the last
years. I could not do sports much because of such effects.
 Meditation helps me out of such.  But the road to well being with
 meditation is long and the positive  impacts are with new sexual
harassment quickly destroyed.
I think today meditation was blocked by MC.
I have voices saying they are destroying me now.
I do not know what happens if such heavy harassment goes on for
some time. Game over? Ruin? Slavery?

In my blog has a message been deleted. I am sure I was not doing it.
I am under surveillance. Remote Viewing is used or anything
similar. The harassers have my thoughts in near real time.

That means I cannot keep any password safe. They have them and
I cannot do anything. That is possibly why they are able to delete
posts in my blog. That is why they deleted all my contacts in my
google mail.
This heavy stimulation of abusing sex 2 days ago made me sick. I have
been in bed for much of the last days. Walking up the stairs was up to
this afternoon quite an effort. It had to do with pain, tension and stress.
Going out was an real effort. I was depressed. I feel better since the
afternoon but I do not feel good yet.
Doing things become quick an effort. My mind works slow I am not
able to read some time. I have been down not doing much the last years.
I could not do sports much because of such effects.
 Meditation helps me out of such.  But the road to well being with
 meditation is long and the positive  impacts are with new sexual
harassment quickly destroyed.
I think today meditation was blocked by MC.
I have voices saying they are destroying me now.
I do not know what happens if such heavy harassment goes on for
some time. Game over? Ruin? Slavery?

In my blog has a message been deleted. I am sure I was not doing it.
I am under surveillance. Remote Viewing is used or anything
similar. The harassers have my thoughts in near real time.

That means I cannot keep any password safe. They have them and
I cannot do anything. That is possibly why they are able to delete
posts in my blog. That is why they deleted all my contacts in my
google mail.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Some posts before I spoke about low concentration because there are
any fears in the back.I wanted to look into them and find that I already
know them. They are related to old traumas from childhood. I do not
really get ahead with them. I have to learn to practice more mindfulness
I have actually some things I can do which I will do now more but
did not do the last time.
I have been to professionals in Germany. In Asia it is not an option
because of the costs.

Several times I had hardly success with experts.Once I shied away
from the treatment. I blamed myself but some years later I found out
that the treatment I refused to participate in makes quite some people
mad. It is just dangerous for people who have the same diagnosis I had
at that time.Once I had the chance to choose the therapist from
5 different ones. Nice thing which was possible then in Germany.
Only one came in question. With two I could not get in any proper
contact, one was old and slow, one tried to put me down from the
first sentence he said. This was the one with the best reputation.
One worked and I had for some time therapy with him. Then he
said during a talk. I cannot work with you. I would rather participate
in a sadistic abuse than help you out. That means I cannot work with
you. further. That was it with this therapist.  I did no more restart after
 I had stimulation of sadistic sex in the evening from two sides which
I noticed later. 2 woman involved if I observed right. Psychic attacks.
In the morning again stimulation of abusing sex. The stress which now
is still remaining is depressing.

Monday, August 22, 2016

I had heavy stimulation of abusing sex. It strips me off my power
I slow down, do less.Strangely my reading capabilities are not
good but not at such a low.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

I had voices today. They said I could do what I wanted now but the
terror could restart later. I had voices that something would be
allowed now which wasn't before. And I really could do what I
wanted. I finally could without problems do some work in my flat.
I have wanted that for long time. Often it just did not work, now
without problems.

They said if I would not try to get rid of us they would press me in their
desired scheme.(Home of disabled) I answered.I will not do that,
I rather kill myself.

When I intended to tidy up my room or clean it I mostly had voices, you
must get rid of us and else. It was also difficult for me to do then
something. I know now there was a lot of control over me the last time.
I was often passive I did not manage to do better. There were also voices
of that they would not stop me in this or that area anymore. It seems
like this. I just can do things easier than the whole last time.

I have to do with fears also because of voices. I am busy with them
internally  while doing other things. Concentration is low because of
such. So I have to look at the fears and address them mentally, which I
did not do yet. That should be right to weaken them or not?
Well, I have to define the fears first. When they are in the background
it may be troublesome to get them clear. I will get busy with the latter
first before going ahead further.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Today I did not have stimulation of sexual abuse.

Voices spoke different. They hinted at my mental performance without
having had stimulation of abusive sex and after having had such.

Yesterday I tried to learn some English words, actual repetition.
I struggled with about 20 words for an hour.
I had all days in Chaiya stimulation of unwanted sex.
Some days ago when I arrived at Chaiya the same was a matter of may
be about 10 minutes.
I was feeling well. Stimulation of abusing sex has also been there, but
that weak that I did not feel any impact on my mental state as it usual
in various degrees the case.

After such stimulation I don't like to have contact for some time.
When I have such for some time my energy
goes down and my bodily power goes down.
I get depressed my motivation fades.

Voices also the first time accepted the right do heal yourself to become
an expert of your own problem when you have bigger psychological
To leave such people a chance they should not treated bad.

Is this a sign of hope for me or just some nice words with once left out
stimulation of bad sex. I hope for the first.

The following excerpt of an article I can relate to my life.
It comes the same day the positive voices come.
I had stimulation of abusive sex and other invasive disrupting
stuff 20 years now.

Former Soviet Leader Gorbachev Has A

 Message The World Needs To Hear

From this article:
...While the Soviet Union had a long history of perpetrating crimes against humanity that are often hard to compare to any other brutal dictatorship in history due to their devastating outcome, it’s also important to consider that many may have learned from this tragic episode in history. As a result, many now have a better grasp of human nature and voluntary exchange....

For people with bigger psychological problems Psychiatry
exists in the West. There are models which work on
voluntary exchange without violating the rights of such
people by for instance forced or pressed questionable
I write about such later.
Stimulation of abusing sex was going on the last days.
Voices were going on questioning about politics.
The stimulation of abusing sex I had today appears
to have included programming.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I had today again heavy stimulation of abusing sex.
Voices said such would stop today because I would
withdraw from people when such happens.
We will see how much truth is in what the voices say.
Sometimes it is right what they say sometimes not.
But voices say terror would go on just different
no sexual harassment.

I feel depressed because of these stimulation which are
also bodily quite stressful. It includes this time also
programming to a gay.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

This time asleep again heavy sexual harassment.
Voices say it will go on.

Monday, August 15, 2016

I had today hard stimulation of abusing sex. Such impacts
me in various ways. It contributes to depression.
Such sexual abuse reduces my interest in contact. It makes
me bodily and mentally weaker. That is it at first.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

I have spent some time in the guesthouse Cathey in
Had Yai. I had sexual harassment there, but I am
troubled with my sex and it easy to stimulate unwanted
There seems to have also been some manipulation.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Some days ago I had a few days no sexual harassment.
But it restarted after I spoke about that.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

I had the last time often stimulation of abusing sex
but this has also to do with my allergies.
This stimulation comes from some of the Thais
in the guesthouse. Disgusting!
My arthritis went some days that far that I
started to have stiffness issues. But it subsided
I had for some time to use the handrail to get up
the stairs I now can normally walk up the stairs
again. I feel depressed and do not much.
Programming and harassment had attacked  structures
of mine how I eat and organize. Some things I did
I just cannot do anymore or not at the moment.
There is some programming related to behavior change.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

I had strong sexual harassment the last days.
This harassment has to do with the
development of various health problems
which may get serious some day.

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Yesterday voices announced that I should do something against
them. I did not so they would change me to their likes.
I had today programming to love western medicine. With my
little knowledge I  think it is a wrong way for a medicine and
cannot be accepted as a medicine of mankind though you
may need to use it. Though I had enough sleep I am exhausted
because of the programming. Meanwhile I am more
susceptible for influence because I am weaker now than some
years ago

Saturday, May 28, 2016

After the last post some of the manipulation stopped. I could
no more easily lay on the bed and sleep. I started to feel more alive.
I had for some days strong arthritis symptoms but they are much
less now. I do not know why they came and subsided.
I thought I could develop more strength now but today I feel to some
degree stronger than before.
I had strong stimulation of abusing sex but I did not feel
that weak like I often felt before. I was passive, now I must relearn
how to use my time and am still passive. I am to some degree
different also due to manipulation. I did not fit in the complete
idiots mindset (mainstream). So they force you to fit in. I will try
to get back to where I was but also try learning. This was also
difficult the last time. I just too often forgot what I wanted to
learn or did not proceed.
I had several times stimulation of abusing sex
I had most days in the mornings talks in my mind. Just an ongoing
speaking voice which I thought is not my own.
I had also a talk about the troops deployment in eastern Europe.
"In a few years Europe and America could no more fight Russia
or Asia because they are getting stronger" I heard, " we can
beat them now experts think that our weapons are superior, so
we should go now. We believe Russia will give in. If it sends
its nuclear warheads towards Western Europe the West will answer.
Russia has as a main center only Moscow while the West has many.
Russia knows this..." I answered to this that I would not like
the West to control the world.
I am not sure where this is from. I have to observe such more closely.
It may be from me, from a part of mine I have not yet integrated.
That does not mean that I think there is no Mind Control used on me.

Monday, May 16, 2016

The last nights ongoing sexual harassment in sleep.
Now I notice this time sexual harassment is used for programming. It is used to change my inner direction. I have been passive because it is also
programming, I think. And now over sexual harassment I feel it they are
programming me to be more active. This I notice for days now. But in this programming is a direction included, which is not the one I want to go, how I want to be. Manipulation has been more successful with me than programming of affection.
Again and again I wanted to sit down and write for a police report about
this stuff. Again and again I notice some time later I did not do it.
This is an important example  where it is difficult for me to can beat manipulation.
Is it possible to use tabletts or smartphones for programming when they
are switched on.  If yes, with wifi on  or wifi off.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The lasts night and the night before I had hard sexual harassment
into sleep. The last night my allergies may also have played a
role in this.
This stimulation of sadistic sex is also used to attach affection
to the social democrats which I feel meanwhile. It is not or not yet 
that strong.

Monday, April 25, 2016

I had this morning into sleep very hard harassment.
Gay programming. Suspects are the guys
in room 159/3 as they are also the suspects for
the last hard harassment.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Remote Neural Monitoring (Satellite Harassment/Terrorism)Reality and Awareness

There is technology which can read your mind they which  can
speak to your mind which can be used to harass you using

That is happening to me. And for sure information from my
brain is used by people in the US, in Germany, in Thailand
Malaysia and other countries without my knowledge and consent.
They just use the information know or participate in
harassment in the destruction of my life keep silent and use the
information from me to their advantage.

I have had mind monitoring for all the years, no privacy
Manipulation. I was not able to lead the life I wanted.
I was most of the time down due to the harassment and relation
ships less possible.
I had manipulation which stopped me from Learning English.
There were even times when I could not think of it.
Before I was doing it on a daily basis.
Intense long time harassment and manipulation  led to thinking
mistakes making me much weaker than I was before.
Manipulation also kept me down. I was long time not able
to do intense meditation. I did not manage what I was used to do

I have had 20 years many if not most days stimulation of abusing
sex, 20 years  mostly painful stressful stimulation of such sex
and you bastards keep quiet and enjoy or use the information you

Fuck you bastards! Just Fuck you! No, I do not keep proper form now!

To my estimation government may be or may have been included
in doing such crimes.
They probably will be able to shift guilt to other groups.

It was my personal weakness that I did not keep up with the
development in this area, This stuff is lets say public
for some time.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Yesterday I had a lot of pain when I woke up.
I needed time to get some strength back.
Today there was stimulation of abusing sex
and programming. I had the last time
sometimes voices that they want me to have
such sex. It may have been from my neighbors
from 159/2.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Yesterday I had very hard stimulation of abusing sex.
Today it was messed with my head. I do not know how to explain it.
It was quite deptessing.
I do not do much. I have to get out of the depressed state first to be
able to do again. But I could not do longtime meditation for years now.
I will try, maybe I can now.

Monday, April 11, 2016

I had again severe sexual harassment into sleep today.
 I was exhausted for several hours.
Such stimulation is a form of contact. Unwanted contact.
yet contact which other may feel and then try the same

I notice that there is quite some manipulation related to people I
 have to do with.
My personal environment seems ro be controlled. This is a
condition something could happen to me and what happens then
is planned for any purpose.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

I visited today the first time for long again a anarchist
website. This was accompanied by voices:  "You can
do that now again." They may even have triggered my
visit by putting the idea in my brain. There was a lot of
control over me for a long time I think. I could not do
much even if I tried to. Maybe it also had to do with
some problems of mine. But I haven't been that
passive for a longer time  also not for
shorter periods  for I think more than 25 years.
The influence I have by mind control technology and
gang stalking has over years systematically attacked
parts of my personality. I understood that there can
be also positive value in the attacks and worked with them
but come to neglect my ideas of me.  I changed inside
and this is at least also a part why I became passive. I am
stuck in some not worked out part of mine which I
better circumvent and sometimes turn to to work on it.
Well on the other side the last days some things go
a little better than before.
I could not meditate a lot for a long time. With such I got
me out of burnouts, that is feeling tired, listless, weak
without having done much. The stress of mind control
and gang stalking brings about quickly such a burnout.
I assume that manipulation was it which kept me
from doing meditation,
Once I managed to build up such strong shielding
that I could block sexual harassment.
Shortly afterwards I had thoughts in my brain
I do not want to set up the shielding everyday.
This is a lot of work. I stopped.
But before I was able to shield the harassment I put
a lot of effort over a long time to achieve a means
to block the terror.
Maybe it has also to do with manipulation.

That I have not written any police report has to do
with voices which are able to get me away from
it. They are quiete troubling.
But I have not done all I could against such
stuff, I admit.
Often I plan to write and I forget.
It is my being in a burnout or also manipulation?
Once I tried to stay at a place just to write
something for the police. I had that much
trouble at that place that I left.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

I had severe stimulation of abusing sex. I am still exhausted now in the evening after it has happened in the morning into sleep.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

I had all the last days stimulation of abusing sex during sleep.
I have the impression that the perps try to get me not to
write in my blog. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Some time ago I stopped reading the German "Spiegel and "Focus"
onlne news for lack of quality in journalism and also propaganda
against Russia.
I notice brainwashing. I read again this newspapers.
It is done by producing emotional change. There are now
positive feelings related to the papers. The judgement
does not play a role
A similar pattern is used to program me to a gay.
Now rejection is programmed against the online news from
I do up to now not yet really manage this programming.
Stimulation of sadistic sex is happening. Once I noticed
radiation related to such from a electricity counter outside
the room. But strangely it stopped after a short while.
I do not know how this works.
I think I just slip into this of imaging of this sex. But twice
I noticed influence from outside. But I know I am stil
l related to such sex also with positive feelings, which not
necessarily are  from me rather  from the person who did it
in the first place.All this makes the matter strange
and difficult.

The eveldoers in my case have managed to make me weak
and so more susceptible for programming.

Friday, March 18, 2016

After the last event I had two days no stimulation of abusing sex.
The second day I still had pain and fear but my mind had 
recovered. I could easily learn English. The next day stimulation
of abusing sex started again and with it my mental performance
went down to a considerable degree. Taking in of information 
only for a short while. I had it already worse when the abuse
was harder. Only little information if at all any entered my mind
processing was low if there was any. So mental work was not
useful  for some time. I am happy that I recover which has not
always been the case.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Gestern nachmittag hatte ich ploetzlich
Stimulierung von missbraeuchlichem
Sex. Ich bemerkte nach einiger Zeit
die Richtung von wo es kam. Ich schaute
in die Richtung und sah einen Mann auf
ein Motorbike zugehen und wegfahren.
Von dem Ereignis mit dem was dazu gehoert
habe ich bis jetzt Schmerzen.
Ich habe Stimmen die sagen, das ich
sadistischen Sexakzeptieren soll und das
 der Stress zunehmen wuerde.

Friday, March 11, 2016

I had the last days sexual harassment into
sleep. Sometimes it was that strong that I
was more passive during the day. I also
cannot concentrate well then often.
Before I had some days off. No harassment.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Voices say I would have severe attacks now.. In two or three days we would see if I can stand them. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I am four days in Chaiya now. The first three of them I had severe stimulation of abusing sex. Yesterday and today I was sick. Voices said because of this we stop it.
But they say also when you get sick because of this we can destroy you now.
Voices said abuse will restart this night. I do not know how long I can take this.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

The last days in Malaysia I had except one norning
with stimulation of abusing sex no harassment.
The days in Thailand there was every night something.
But how much I have to attribute to allergies is not
easy to say.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

In the night to the 27th of January I was still awake
at about 3.45 am in the morning.
I noticed something slow moving past my room.
What I thought sow moving? I managed to get
up and open the door without being heard and
looked outside. I saw the young Chinese
woman staying opposite to the right and a Chinese
man who at once they saw me ran in the room of
the Chinese woman. they soon came back outside to
knock at the door of the Indian couple staying opposite.
When the door opened they gave the Indians a bag with
powder of darker colour. Then they went back into the
room of the Chinese woman and stayed there.
I was baffled laid down just laid down and pondered
but also slept a little. After a few hours at the early
morning I went up and outside. I saw a white powder
exactly at the area where I saw the two Chinese first.
I swept up the powder put it in a plastic bag.
I tried to smell it. It had an instant effect on my eyes and
my airways. That on the airways was stronger. I could
not smell it long due to the effect. I thought is it possible
to use such powder to reliably numb a person?
And after that get into the room where they laid out
the powder and steal all belongings? My room has a
old wooden door which I can open from the inside
when it is locked from the outside. It should be possible
with a bit knowledge to open this shaky door from the
The next important point in this story is that I have been
told that this Chinese woman preys on men
probably preferably tourists and one morning these men
wake up with nothing left.
I spoke to the manager of the hotel about this information
He told me not to speak about this, which probably means he
supports and protects her intentions.
Hasty without thinking enough I went to the police
and reported the whole stoy. I was convincing enough
to make police come to the hotel to question the woman.
I was also questioned and asked about the substance.
I had it in a plastic bag. In it I could not show it.
It was white like the bag. So I turned the bag to make
the substance fall on the floor but there was not much to
show no white on the floor. This was a flop for me.
I should have put the substance in a small transparent container
and take some time to find one before going to the police.
The idea with the plastic bag which even had a hole on it was
Maybe the substance was volatile, but It has been three hours
on the floor before I got it.
This flop also led to an end that i was probably seen
as paranoid and the woman was left alone.
i think now I should have sought counselling from the police
about what I had discovered and not have asked for action in
the first place.
But good counselling is understandably not that easy available
in a country where English is the second or third language also
for policemen.
.Voices in my head later told me that this substance just could
have been used with the intention to harm me not to numb me,I do not know.

To put me in a better position I repeat the suspicious points
There was this Chinese woman with a Chinese man slow moving
in front of my room. They were not normal moving. this slow
moving made me get up, normal moving is not suspicious for me.
When I opened the door and looked outside they ran away.
the Chinese woman was dressed and with a Chinese man so for
which reason she ran away. Then the white substance on the floor
which effects airways and the eyes quickly when you come close.
Further the woman appears to be known as one which goes after
men with evil intentions.
How the story with the police went was not that good but
suspicion remains that there has been something evil in
the making when I caught the two Chinese outside of my room.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I have voices which say that I would have attacks on a
unprecedented scale now. They would destroy  me now.
Announcements related to attacks are often true to my

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

I had stimulation of abusing sex yesterday and today into sleep.
Yesterday it was very  hard.

Friday, January 01, 2016

I had the last days repeatedly stimulation of gay sex which
is stressful