Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I had today massive programming of gay sex. I was not able to deprogram it today.
Fucking Thais!!! There where I am is no foreigner.In the afternoon I had massive voices which were very disturbing and messing up my time then.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ich hatte heute massive Programmierung in meine Traeume. Wie koennte es anders sein Programmierung zu einem Sozi.Handeln innerhalb des Akzeptanzrahmens der Sozis.
Als ich von Malaysia nach Thailand kam hatte ich wieder die Staerke aktiv zu sein. Vor einigen Tagen hatte ich dann wieder einen Absturz und bin wieder mehr passiv.

Friday, December 21, 2012

This message is related to the last one which I wrote a few minutes ago.  I went then back to my room and noticed that the influencing radiation has been switched off.But It can be switched on again quickly.I went then back to the internet cafe to write this message.
I have this evening strong mind influencing radiation coming out of the counter of electricity.
About Thais. They are doing this to me. Supporting it in many places where I have been. Many chit people around there who support such. But I am a target worldwide by the mad mainstream, I mean it. They will try it everywhere.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I had this morning again stimulating of abusing sex.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ich hatte heute das Glueck wieder bei Deprigrammierung ein Stuickchen Programmierung zu entdecken und enfernen welches mit meiner Depression zu tun hat.. Mal sehen ob ich jetzt aktiver sein kann.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Here is how mind control groups turn against victims.
Some weeks ago I wrote a post to the group mentioned

And now I get the notification that this post from me is not accepted and
will not be published.

But it is actually a quite usual thing to turn against victims in resources
which are designed to help them. Those who do such probably enjoy the abuse of power
which they have as group administrators.

In hindsight I noted that there was a mistake in the post
but which is actually not a problem. The petition still has
not yet enough signatures. I remember that the number of
necessary signatures has been risen from 500 to 1000.
I had 500 signatures still in mind which was valid before
and did not read the change.

the yahoo group is
targeted individuals

the message is the following and an answer to another message


I went to the petition and got the answer: It is expired.

I know of another one which is not.


This petition should now be with those it is addressed to,  because it has enough signatures. 

Who will be told about the results?


I had heavy stimulation of abusing sex this time asleep with consequences for the day like so often.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I read in the newspapers that Mr Putin and Mr Chavez are sick. The political leaders with determined opposition to the US.
I thought. Possibly is the US involved in the sicknesses to remove or hinder this undesired opposition.
Some times ago I read the after the second world war Russia's best physicist in an area very important to the development of new weapons died of sickness. So the US got ahead in this area. I also thought the US may be involved in this death?
The voices in my head got upset. They told me that this way relief of MC would not happen the next time.
I participate in a court case in the US against MC. Today I got an Email that the law firm which is in charge of this case refused to hand out the filings that were sent to them.
The comment on this in the email was that the law firm would have been finished by the perpetrators. the fourth one in 2 years. When I read this right victims won't get the files of their harassment, which looked to be happening up to today.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

„Mit 15 ist man alt genug für Sex“...
Wie Jungen über Liebe denken: „Mit 15 ist man alt genug für Sex“ - weiter lesen auf FOCUS Online: http://www.focus.de/schule/gesundheit/aufklaerung/tid-28534/unsere-kinder-vom-suchen-und-finden-der-liebe_aid_859159.html

In obigen Bericht sagen Teens das sie LIebeskummer ihren Eltern nicht erzaehlen 

Laut den Aussagen von Opfern von Geisteskontrollwaffen gibt es heute Technick die die
Gedanken lesen kann und es kann auch permanent ins Hirm gequasselt werden oder
auch kommunizier werden. Noch uebler ist die Programmierung ueber diese
Stimmen weil diese Information ist die vom Gehirm verarbeitet wird.
Die Folgen werden manchmal erst spaeter erkennbar.
In den Schlaf progammieren gehoert natuerlich auch dazu.

Natuerlich wird das Ganze abgestritten, die Leute als bekloppt hingestellt die so etwas
Die Verwantwortlichen wollen halt so lange wie moeglich aus dieser Technick  Profit
schlagen bevor das geregelt und kontrolliert wird, falls das in dem
schwachen politischen System parlamentarische Demokratie ueberhaupt geschieht.

Alleine dieses staendige Beobachten des Hirms, der Verlust der Privatheit in allen Punkten, dazu noch an Leute die ich als meine Feinde betrachte ist eine ziemliche psychische Belastung.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

I had again programming in my dreams and stimulation of
abusing sex.
I notice my depression comes also from programming. 
Passivity is promoted and then my mind is running under
their influence.
My eyes are getting worse. I get in trouble to read
That I am excluded from certain contacts here tells me how the
Thais are.
The environment is probably  in the harassment at least partly

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Ich hatte wieder Stimulation von muissbraeuchlichem Sex
waehrend des Schlafes.
Ich hatte das letzte Mal als ich in Thailand war Akzeptanz.
Ich hatte keine Schikanen keine Ausgrenzung Diesmal
habe ich wieder beides.
Eine gewisse Anzahl Thais spinnt damit seit Jahren herum.
Fuer Menschenrechte ohne Ansehen der Person sind die
anscheinend zu bescheuert. Na ja, es ist wohl eher so das
zuviele Thais ihr Gluecklichsein aus dem Schikanieren
anderer beziehen und sie es sich mir gegenueber als
Auslaender und auch angreifbarer  Person leicht leisten
Ich erlebe zu viele  als arrogant,stur, sehr intolerant, widerlich.
Die sind auch zu bloede zu begreifen das nicht jeder ihre
bescheuerten Normen mitmachen will..Das passt wohl
nicht in eine groessere Anzahl von schwachen
Thaihirnen rein. Ist wohl zuviel.

I had stimulation of abusing sex together with programming this
time asleep.
Fortunately it was not that strong that it brought me nearly  down
during the day. I have such to various degrees for years often.
But I run in additional emotional trouble with the programming
A lot of voices during the day are there. I think my brain activity
is  monitored. It is difficult todifferentiate these voices from my
own inner voices.
I do not know how much my sensitivities play a role there.

I have measured with my bug detector the radiation around.
Even at highest sensibility no readings except from room 159/2
a little.
Not long ago I could only turn up the sensitivity about two
third and got high readings in most directions.

I have read that some nanoparticles anyhow brought into the
brain would support voice to skull technology but I do not
anything about it.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Yesterday, I had harassment again. It was announced by voices which I wrote in my blog.
The voices I have are a horror. Quite often it is tried to convince me to become a democrat.
They interfere much in my daily doing making it difficult to stick with my stuff.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

I had little harassment in sleep last time. That it would be much less was announced with voices the day before.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Ich fand Kanzlerkandidat Steinbrueck mit dem wenigen was ich weiss nicht sympathisch.
Er ist auch nicht interessant. Es reicht mir das was ich ueber die SPD und ihre Politik
die sie kintinuierlich verfolgt weiss um ihn als Kanzler abzulehnen. Er hat einen gewissen
Gestaltungsspielraum wird aber ganz einfach auch viel SPD Politik machen, wie zum
Beispiel die Globalisierung vorantreiben, was ich ablehne.
Gestern entdeckte ich das in meinem Kopf eine Programmierung ist die ihn als freundlich
warmherzig laechelnden, sympathischen Mann darstellt. Dies droht meinen vorherigen
Eindruck zu ueberdecken. Es ist nicht leicht dies wieder aus dem Kopf zu bekommen.
Es sieht so aus als ob die SPD mit solchen Methoden die Wahlen gewinnen will.
Das was ich erlebe ist Terror. Ich habe solches nicht zum ersten Mal.
Fuer mich sieht es so aus das die SPD eine Terrororganisation ist und ihr Spitzenmann ein
Topterrorist. Aber diese Organisation ist so gross, das diese Groesse ihr einen
Anschein von Serioesitaet verleiht, den sie nicht verdient.
Es sieht auch so aus als ob die Grossen im Westen alles moegliche machen koennen einfach wegen ihrer Groesse und ihrer Moeglichkeit ueberall Einfluss ausueben zu koennen.
Ich muss dazu bemerken das ich mich im Sueden Thailands befinde wo die thailaendischen Demokraten stark sind. Vieleicht spielt es eine Rolle das sie den Deutschen Sozis Schuetzenhilfe leisten wollen, da Thias das Ganze veranstalten. In meiner Naehe sind keine Auslaender.
I had this time asleep heavy stimulation of abusing sex. In the environment where I have my room there
is a whole bunch of low quality  people interested in such. I noticed over time a certain number of Thais already already to have stimulated such.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Ich habe einen Haufen Geschwaetz im Kopf. Ein Teil davon ist das oft versucht wird mich dazu bewegen doch die boesen Schwarzen (CDU) zu attackieren.
Obwohl es nur Geschwaetz ist geht mir das ziemlich auf die Nerven.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Sexual harassment is ongoing. This brings me in trouble with myself. There are different kinds of humiliating sex reprogrammed and stimulated.

I now speak about Thailand. I had been to Malaysia some weeks and then came back to Thailand and went to my room in Chaiya. The last time I had been in Thailand I did not have any harassment. This time it restarted. Is it because they have new information ablur me putting me in a worse light? I spoke in Penang about my disability, if they got and use this information negative this may have led to restart the terror.
I had this impression already some years ago. I started to participate in a online group of people who have been in psychiatry. My idea was to improve protection against such. At the time I did this you could easily land up there in Germany.
At the same time Thais in a monastry not far from Chumpon where I stayed at that tiime started to treat me unfair.
It looks as if some information about me is enough to get harassed by Thais.
I don't think that much of Thais anymore anyway.

I have been since 13 years again and again in Thailand and haven't been accused of any crime, when there were problems or trouble I was sometimes involved but mostly not less than Thais.
Thais support and supported harasment over many years now.
This includes a lot of sexual harassment
I have been ridiculed by many excluded from community. I had harassment which made me weak for prolonged times. The problem is that harassment is often hidden over any radiation. I do not know how to go against it.

So I give Thais and Thailand a rating now. I consider Thailand as a very low quality culture in points which are important to me. I don't have any chance to keep my human rights.
The harassment has already destroyed parts of my life and it is ongoing.
Thailand  has obviously  just too many low quality Thais  or extremely low quailty Thais.

I sure met many nice Thais which are then sometimes nicer than westerners, but altogether I had too much bad treatment in Thailand to keep a positive picture.

I may detail stuff which angered me later in any post.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I have the last days stronger stimulation of abusing sex which brings me down during the day.
I am in my room in Chaiya. When I remember how much and how often I had stimulation of abusing sex I think in my environment are quite some Thai monsters. And this is a matter of fact. I get to feel this every day.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I had stimulation of abusing sex last time asleep. Programming in my dreams appeared to have been included.
The first suspect is the woman in room 159\2. I am not completely sure but there are some hints at her.
I was angry in the morning sweared and banged at the wooden wall twice.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The last days in Chaiya every time asleep stimulation of abusing sex.
This harassment makes me weak as usual. I have trouble to use my
potential for longer time already, and this harassment brings me down
again and again contibuting to being depressive and passive.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I have been in Chaiya for some days and today in the morning strong stimulation of abusing sex in sleep.
How so often this has consequences for the day.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I had today stimulation of abusing sex and programming. I feel worse than the days before. I walk means stress in my mind. I had yesterday a talk in my mind in which they announced getting harder with me. but I never know if the voices are serious or not.

Some days before I had massive programming to a gay in the Red Dragon.
I noticed that highly probably the man in the neighboring room was involved according to the colour of his skin is a Malay.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

I had stimulation of abusing sex and also programming to a gay which I recognize strongly.

Monday, November 05, 2012

I had again stimulation of abusing sex during sleep. I am down today. Being active is an effort. Concentration is not much as well.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

I was the day today in bed. I did not feel like getting up, I felt somewhat sick.
I had several times vivid dreams I am not sure of if they are programming or not and stimulation of abusing sex while I was asleep.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Last night I noticed stimulation of abusing sex coming from one direction. Later in the morning there was some again.
I had pain the whole day and difficulty to stay active.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I had last time asleep  again stimulation of abusing sex during sleep. It brings me down for longer time makes any relationship very difficult for some time.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kuerzlich hatte ich Stimmen im Kopf die mich darauf hinwiesen das eine bestimmte Programmierung missbraeuchlichen Sex mit programmiert hat.
Den mentalen Anteil hatte ich erkannt, es hatte mit den Sozis zu tun aber diesen emotionalen eben nicht.
Es ist richtig die Tendenz zu SM Sex wurde laengere Zeit mit dieser Programmierung aber auch anderen von mir erkannten vorangetrieben.
 Es ist leider wirklich so das dieser Sex staerker prasent ist als frueher.
Ich hoffe ich kann diese uber Deprogrammierung wieder rueckgaengig machen.
Die Programmierungen bedeutete viel Leid, die Deprogrammierung ist einiges an Arbeit.
Ich hoffe das mehr Menschen merken welche Verbrechen ueber Geisteskontrollwaffen und Gangstalking moeglich sind.
Ich hoffe auch das  mehr Menschen den Betroffenen informieren und z.B. mit Aussagen oder sonstigem unterstuetzen.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ungefaehr zur gleichen Zeit als die letzte Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex stattfand, spuerte ich auch Programmierung ueber Strahlung. Programmierung der Art die ich den Demokraten oder Sozialdemokraten zurechne. Solche Programmierung wie auch  Stimulierungen bemerkte ich die letzten Tage nicht.
Solche Programmierungen wie auch die Stimulation von solchen Sex koennten psychische Attacken gewesen sein von Leuten die nebenan im dortigen Cafe sassen. Zumindest einmal habe ich Indizien fuer solches.
Programmierungen anderer Art sind die letzten Tage wahrscheinlich. Zumindest bemerkte ich heute etwas mir bis jetzt unbekanntes. Es muss aber auch nicht von solcher Programmierung ueber Strahlung kommen.
Einen Haufen Geschwaetz habe ich jeden Tag im Kopf. Ich denke einiges ist nicht von mir.
Wie soll ich gegen diesen fuerchterlichen Privatheitsverlust vorgehen.
Ich nehme wahr das meine Gedanken dauerueberwacht werden. Somit wird jede Idee von mir ausgepluendert ohne jegliche Chance von mir die Fruechte meiner geistigen Arbeit zu bekommen.
Diese Technick der Ueberwachung hebelt das Urheberrecht aus.Profit aus geistiger Arbeit machen die Ueberwacher.
Andere negative Effekte sind auch solche das Versklavung von Menschen mit umfassender Information deutlich leichter wird.
In meinem Fall richtet sich die Beeinflussung gegen Meditation weil die Ueberwacher wohl gemerkt haben das diese mich stark macht. Ich bin durch die Beinflussung oft nicht in der Lage zu meditieren weil staerkere
negative Gefuehle oder auch geistige Manipulation mich von dieser abhalten oder davon wegbringen. Ich schaffe es oft nicht dagegen anzukommen.
Desweiteren wird mein Erwachsenenich sabotiert und es wird versucht mich per Programmierung in die unverarbeitete Abhaengigkeit aus meiner Kindheit zu draengen.
Ich habe gelesen das elektronische Geisteskontrolle am besten wirkt bei Menschen mit psychischen Problemen.
Ich habe vor kurzem mein Englischlernen wieder aufgenommen. Aber wegen des Terrors habe ich schon einige Tage nichts mehr gemacht.
Ich habe auch den heutigen Tag zum groesseren Teil im Bett verbracht.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ich hatte heute Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex am Tag. Ich habe aber keine Bestaetigung einer Strahlung fuer mich die fuer mich feststelllbar  aus einer bestimmten Richtung kommt. Dies ist desoefteren so. Wenn ich diese Strahlung blocke dann hoert die Stimulierung auf. Ich habe aber heute auch nicht danach gesucht.  Auf der anderen Seite haenge ich emotional in diesem Sex drin es koennte auch von mir ausgegangen sein. Ich konnte mich gegen Ablaeufe nicht wehren, es waren neue Ablaeufe drin nicht die einfach ungefragt durchgingen. Das ist sonst nicht so Meine Widerstaende wurden uebergangen. Sonst komme ich meist aus solchen Gefuehlen wieder raus. Dann waren da Stimmen die es bestaetigten das Wiederstaende bewusst uebergangen wurden.
Es wird also versucht in missbraeuchlichen Sex zu pressen.Aber ich habe auch meine Anteile. Ich haenge emotional in dieser Geschichte drin. Meistens kam ich aber zuletzt mit Gefuehlen diesbezueglich einigermasen klar wenn auch nach laengeren Auseinandersetzungen in meinem Kopf .
Als das ganze vorbei war hoerte ich den buddhistischen Moench, den ich im letzten Blogeintrag erwaehnte im Gasthaus sprechen, das erste Mal das ich ihn in meinem Zimmer im Gsthaus habe sprechen hoeren.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Der Stress den ich die letzten Tage  im Schlaf vermutlich durch Gangstalking bekomme raubt mir wieder die Kraft richtig aktiv zu sein.
Ich hatte vorgestern staerkere Stimulierung von missbraeuchlichem Sex im Schlaf. Es kam dann auch am Tag zur staerkeren Stimulierung von solchem. Ich konnte diesen nicht stoppen. Stimmen sagten dann das sie dies auch nicht gewollt haetten. Ich habe mich geistig dagegen gewehrt aber die Einfluesse von aussen waren staerker. Ich denke, wenn solcher Sex von aussen gegen Widerstaende stimuliert wird ist dies sexueller Missbrauch.
Moeglicherweise war dies organisiertes Gangstalking oder auch nur Idioten die auf sexuallen Missbrauch stehen und diese Stimulation ist ja straflos.

Vor ein paar Tagen fiel mir auf das der im gleichen Gasthaus uebernachtende amerikanische buddhistische Moench darauf achtete in welches Zimmer ich ging, wahrscheinlich um einfach diese Information zu haben.
Ebenfalls auffallend war das am naechsten Morgen  Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex und sonstiges wie Programmierung  in meine Traeume dort wieder anfing.
Dieser Moench ist also fuer mich verdaechtig. Von seiner Art ist er es ebenso. Er hat Kontakt mit mir gesucht um sich ueber Buddhismus zu unterhalten. Er war interessiert in meinen Standpunkten. Ich entdeckte aber auch das er als Amerikaner ueber Buddhismus lernte und sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon den Asiaten ueberlegen fuehlte in der Lage diese spaeter zu belehren.  Ein amerikanischen Besserwisser, Imperialist.
Einmal hatte ich eine Auseinandersetzung mit ihm. er reagierte meist mit Luegen oder Ausweichen, eine vernuenftige Auseinandersetzung kam nicht zu stande. Das passt zur Ueberheblichkeit von amerikanischen Besserwissern,Imperialisten,.aber auch zu Gangstalkern.
Ich weiss nicht ob er etwas mit der Sache zu tun hat aber er ist mir in gewissem Masse verdaechtig.
Mich wuerde interessieren ob jemand etwas weiss und mir etwas mitteilen kann. Obwohl meine leidvolle
Erfahrung ist es das viele Gefallen an solchem missbraeuchlichem finden haben und wohl eher nichts mitteilen.

Monday, October 08, 2012

I had again strong stimulaion of abusing sex. I am down for longer time of the day.
I had this stimulation now for some days again. Now more idiots start to contact me on the open wound want abusing sex. 

Saturday, October 06, 2012

I had last time asleep stimulation of abusing sex and programming into my dreams.
I felt sick today.
The stimulation included massive programming of abusive sex. I know one program from former programmings.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Is it credible if any government says they would not be doing Mind Control?

Isn't it necessary to take serious the claims state that they are under such attack and support claims to investigate it.

Here is a  link to a petition to support such.  We need no more that many supporters to achieve the   necessary number to get this petition taken.


Below is link to an  interview with M15 agent Dr. Barrie Trower

He speaks about Mind Control and he knows about such.
(The Security Service (MI5) is a British intelligence agency working to protect the UK's national security against threats such as terrorism and espionage )

MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower: dangerous radiation everywhere

I do not think that there is enough done to protect the people against abuse against newer findings in science  because especially  science, governments and big corporations have first access to it while the general people don't have. Also many well educated people will act criminal when  there are benefits and good chances to get off easily.
So iti is important to automatize and institutionalize independently counteraction against such threats outside the usual powercentres.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Die letzten beiden Tage ist die Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex staerker geworden.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I had stimulation of abusing sex and massive programming of such last time asleep. I was half awake and noticed the programming which was coming. I could it identify effects of the programming today. 

Sunday, September 09, 2012

I am in Penang now and had every morning stimulation of abusing sex.
I have noticed that phone landlines can be used for tartetting if it is not just
my sensivity.
Satellite dishes can be used for targetting.
The future should be that the possibilities to do such get finished.

Friday, September 07, 2012

I had today stimulation of abusing sex again. Some days before I had strong of such in Penang.
The whole stuff is going on and the last things I consider gangstalking stuff of westerners.
In Chaiya the TVs of my neighbors to the right may be used for targetting if it is not just my sensivity to TVs which gives me stress. But TVs and Antennas are used for targetting. I had it in Surat Thani some weeks ago.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I advertise somebodies book for the sense MC gets known to more people.
I haven't read this one from the author only the one about defense against covert
warfare from the same author.

Unspeakable Truth: The Role Covert Warfare Plays In Western Culture

By Mukazo Mukazo Vunda

his book debunks the generally held belief unscrupulous individuals who are the illuminati, international bankers, neo-cons, sometimes reptilian aliens, etc., with an agenda of total control, have infiltrated society’s key positions, and are behind covert warfare, surreptitiously silencing or eliminating whistleblowers, activists, political dissidents to see their plan of world domination to fruition. This book argues, by logical deduction, that no such infiltration has occurred in the recent past. The observed phenomenon of covert warfare epitomizes a cultural orientation, hence the fact it is institutionalised, moving to this point from the position of mainstream practice. It has played the traditional role of eradicating threats to a way of life, as well as provide an outlet for warped appetites generated in the process, that would otherwise eat society from within.

available as a download on www.lulu.com or as a paperback from www.amazon.com

Friday, August 24, 2012

Today was different from the last ones. I did not have this making me mentally work through topics to access my knowledge in a certain area at all which was often before the last days.
I tried to resist such sometimes but it is difficult as they stay with the task.
Some talks were there today some insulting some friendly.
Well, I am disabled because of mental problems.  Many would say your voices are from this. It is not that easy.

And I am troubled with voices which I learn slowly to deal with. Okay as long as voices are no problem they don't need to get addressed. Mine are partly troubling.
As a guideline for me I forget all what the mainstream says about that just ignore it and look for something reasonable. What they say is just insulting, humiliating for those who hear them and it is wrong.
Voices are no hallucinations, you are not mad because of this. To state that shows ignorance. I consider a doctor who states that as a wimp. Voices have to do with your history. You should learn about them to try to understand them. not try to make them go away, that is the  nonsense doctors tell.you. I have over time recognized some voices belonging to my father. Experience with your voices helps to deal with them.

But I am also sure there are technical voices. I have talks with reasonable answers again and again. With my own voices this should not happen. I get questioned I refuse to answer and then I get presented the answer as if it was taken out of my brain.I get the voice to contact a person in the near neighborhood.

This technical stuff makes it more difficult to deal with my own voices.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I had again stimulation of abusing sex which gave me pain for much of the day.
I have a lot of voices. I assume this contact with voices is used to exploit me.

I have a lot of voices who try to make me a member of the SPD.
That is why I got a lot of  contempt for leftist intellectuals
Just a bunch of chit because I know many people know about my destiny and keep quiet, these included.

Well the number of MC victims who claim they are such is small.
In the US it would probably just be enough for a mind controlled sex slave for every congress member.
So it is clear there will be no investigations in claims of MC victims.

How to go against government crimes. Very difficult when the people support its crimes as it is with MC against me. They just will lie themselves out of the situation. They ask for proof. But radiation crimes leave no clear traces, You need equipment worth thousands of dollars and expert knowledge to go against such culprits. But ordinary people don't have that money. Governments or big corporations always have.
So the crimes with newer radiation weapons are a wonderful example how there the rich have an unfair and criminal advantage over the poor and ordnary people. This is a wonderful example how means are redistriputed from the poor to the rich.
They steal every idea from my mind and torture me so that I can't use them myself.
They try to blackmail or brainwash me to a SPD member. The SPD is like this.
In Hitler' book "Mein Kampf" he was unemployed and suffered from hunger and did not get a possible job because for this he had to join the SPD which he refused.
They try to make my mind work for them for free, when I cannot resist MC. When I resist I get tortured again and again until I loose my power and can get easier used for their purpose.
Thailand supoorts the person which is at the very moment winning. So for most of the time I have been in Thailand MC against me got support.

Do you think Obama or Hollande will bring the weapons under control. They use them to their advantage.
Shortly I had a talk in mind stimulated about how to help woman out of prostitution. Shortly afterwards I heard in France prostition they will try to address. Well, the connection is not necessary there but possible.

Will Hollande something against MC weapons?  He is probably just another elite asshole. I don't know anything else than assholes in the elite, if it was different the weapons would be regulated a long time.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I had stimulation of abusing sex and hard programming the last days. The stimulation is stressful, painful and brings you down strips you off of a lot of power. The programming messes up my sex and brings additional stress and problems.
I am a target of sexual abuse for many years now which is a huge burden in my life I do not know where it comes from. I just wake up and it was there, or I recognize it half asleep but don't manage to go behind.
It is any radiation. Well. the area, where I live there is a whole bunch of very low quality Thais. They have
proven it some time ago with stimulation of abusing sex over longer time.
May some are just primitive enough to restart the stuff.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Today I woke up and noticed stronger stimulation of abusing sex again. I felt like so often that I would like to leave my flat and go travelling to escape that. But I did not.
A few days ago I felt that my bodily power was coming back, feeling strong which I had not for longer time, though I did not feel weak anymore already for some time. But this heavier harassment may be in the way to getting back to strength.

Friday, August 10, 2012

While I stayed in Malaysia I mostly slept during the day and was awake in the night. I tried to sleep in the night, it did not work.
The last days sleep is more usual during the night. I get still too late to bed but get a normal time of sleep most of it in the night.
I don't know if this change is due to programming.

I had all nights in Chaiya stimulation of abusing sex.
I was angry about that and stayed awake for some time to find out.
I did not stay awake long enough but fell asleep but when I woke up I noticed no stimulation of abusng sex.
The afternoon I got tired suddenly and laid down. I woke up some hours later and noticed that probably brainwashing.had happened

In Germany about 20 years ago I knew a young man, appearing to be an anarchist who got homeless who I met then later and had changed. I would label him from the beginning a democrat..Probably brainwashing.
I notice the same programming in me now  I noticed in him.
I assume that in the German social system it is systematically worked with brainwashing and harassment to bring the people in line with desired ways of thinking.

I do not know if I can resist the permanent programming and terror in the long run. The problem is it takes time to deprogram. You have several times programming in your head before one issue is deprogrammed. Further the terror takes my power and concentration away.
There are also a lot of voices appearing during the day. Often it happens just when I wake up like today after the brainwashing which I assume today

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

I am a few days in Chaiya now. I was quite passive longer time but the last days it gets better.
MC controllers let go the grip on my mind to tighten screws in another way after they see that I am not acting  as expected. I refuse to meet any expectations.
I had harassment all times asleep I asleep in Chaiya. Sexual harassament gay style. No harassment related to violence which I had often. This would also be dangerous because some men nearby would like to have it.
What I had yesterday and sometimes in the past was programming to get contact with the young landlord
This morning I woke up and noticed I had harassment which is that strong that you cannot take it long.
Exactly this I had often in Chaiya in the past. I just had no chance to stay in my flat. I had to leave at once sometimes even during the day when stress came out of power outlets of that strength I could not stand.it.

 I am today again in that mode that a walk is stress.

I had three times rent a room on monthly basis in Thailand. And every time heavy stress in that room. It looks as if Thais or quite some Thais don't want me and use such means to get me away.
Well, I am disabled because of psychological problems. Thais know that and this may be the reason to turn against me.

Friday, July 27, 2012

In Chaiya I have stimulation of abusing sex since 4 days now. When I look out of my door it is coming from opposite a little to the left.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Vor zwei Tagen hatte ich in Penang schwere Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex.
Gestern hatte ich ebenfalls Stimulaton von solcher in Had Yai.
Heute morgen hatte ich schwere Stimulation von solchem In Surat Thani.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside.
When I think over this programming to accept mainstream. this MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, that is terrorism, the proper term should be terrorism of the state.
There are no laws on this in Germany and no federal laws on this in the US.
As long as there are no laws and no means readily available for  law enforcement  to find out such crimes (detect) and get the criminals or other ways are used to stop such crimes the state terrorism will go on,

Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
When I notice this programming to accept mainstream. That is terrorism by mainstream.
This MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, That is terrorism. They destroy my life and have fun with it. Such is a disorder of society.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside. There no laws on this in Germany related  and no federal laws on this in the US.
Also because of this I think the mainstream is in part a terrorist rule. We need a new war on terrorism.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.

Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
When I notice this programming to accept mainstream. That is terrorism by mainstream.
This MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, That is terrorism. They destroy my life and have fun with it. Such is a disorder of society.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside. There no laws on this in Germany related  and no federal laws on this in the US.
Also because of this I think the mainstream is in part a terrorist rule. We need a new war on terrorism.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.

Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
When I notice this programming to accept mainstream. That is terrorism by mainstream.
This MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, That is terrorism. They destroy my life and have fun with it. Such is a disorder of society.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside. There no laws on this in Germany related  and no federal laws on this in the US.
Also because of this I think the mainstream is in part a terrorist rule. We need a new war on terrorism.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.

Two days ago I had strong programming of lust for sadistic sex which brought me in difficulties for some time. Today I notice that acceptance of the mainstream of psychiatry is programmed.
Democrats idiots mindset seems to be programmed very heavily.
I did not notice much happening during sleep. But during the day I was tired and felt an decreased bodily strength. My mind is down.
There is programming which makes it difficult to meditate at all.
And meditation is it which helps me to keep me up.
When I notice this programming to accept mainstream. That is terrorism by mainstream.
This MC stuff for 17 years gang stalking for about the same time, That is terrorism.
Doctors you can't talk to, police are no help. In Germany and probably in Thailand some are inside. There no laws on this in Germany related  and no federal laws on this in the US.
Also because of this I think the mainstream is in part a terrorist rule. We need a new war on terrorism.
But this won't happen. The terrorists are too powerful.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Ich bin eine Weile in Malaysia. Eine Woche hatte ich Ruhe vor irgendwelchem hintenrum Aeger und Terror dann ging es wieder los.
Die letzten Tage startete es wieder mit Programmierung in meine Traeume und Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex.
Stimmen die ich nicht fuer meine halte verursachen wieder Aerger. Ich weiss nicht wo dies herkommt.

Auch als ich vorher in Malaysia war es teilweise auch der Fall das geschickt manipuliert und schikaniert wurde ueber irgendwelche Strahlung.

Ich bin abgeneigt nach Thailand zu fahren weil dort wo ich meine Wohnung habe Leute sind die problematisch fuer mich waren und es wohl auch weiterhn sein werden.
Dort hatte ich die massivste Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex die ich abgesehen von Penang in den Anfangsjahren sonst nirgendwo erlebt habe. Das ist viel besser geworden aber die Neigung der Leute gerade wenn es um sadischen Sex geht ist da.

Ich war in der letzten Zeit depressiv.
Nun habe ich entdeckt das Programmierung mich davon abgehalten hat viel zu meditieren, das Programmierung sich gegen mein Englischlernen richtet und das Programmierung mich allgemein niederdrueckt. Hirnwaesche also,ueber irgendwelche Strahlung , das meiste in Thailand.  Ich weiss nicht ob dieses auch woanders stattgefuenden haette . In Deutshland hat der Hintenrumterror und MC  gegen mich begonnen in anderen Laendern in Europa fand er auch statt.
Mit Deprogrammierung kann ich hoffentlich die Programme rauswerfen.
Wenn ich dies die letzte Zeit versucht hatte wurde nicht anschliessend wieder gegenprogrammiert.

Ich habe nach laengerer Zeit schweren Terrors in Thailand angefangen geistige Fehler zu machen, Denkweisen die Niedergeschlagenheit foerdern etablierten sich, besser gesagt ich etablierte sie. Jetzt, nachdem ich eine gewisse Zeit weniger Terror hatte wird dies wieder ein Thema ueber das ich nachdenke.

Mir ging es koerperlich eine lange Zeit schlecht. Wenn ich einen 15 minutigen
Spaziergang begann, kam ich nicht weit. Ich setzte mich in ein Cafe. Ich
Meist versuchte ich es gar nicht. Es war mir zuviel.
Das ist die letzte Zeit deutlich besser geworden aber psychisch bin ich noch

Sunday, June 10, 2012

This time asleep I had several times stimulation of abusing sex and also programming.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

I had no harder noticable harassment the last time. But I notice that mental influence anyway increases. Something like an takeover like who decides and thinks is going on. That means that stuff that does not fit in the social democratic idiotologie they try to throw out. Supplements are for long a part of the attack. Eating greens is difficult.
Social democrats or democrats possibly the largest terror organisation of the world.
They tried me to blackmail with their power to follow them. They can everywhere go against me apparently There is another thing. The voices can tell me anything. The terror began when the biggest failure of recent German history Helmut Kohl, he pushed the Euro, was ruling and I notice that the knowledge about this stuff seemed  to be spread.,

Monday, June 04, 2012

Newer stronger Terror started a few days ago in Malaysia. The same day the newspaper the Star had a report that maids form Indonesia would come again to Malaysia.
I actually was starting to recover, getting more active, with that terror new I get more passive again

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I had the last time in Penang some hard harassment. There are some signs that the direct environment
was involved. I was in bed because of the harassment for several days and just up for food.
The last days I did not notice much harassment. But I am still  depressed and find it quite some times difficult to get active or to tackle some kinds problems. Hidden terror combined with human rights propaganda. Western Standard.

Friday, May 25, 2012

I had programming in my sleep twice. This is actually changing my behavior. I think it also has to do with my depression. My way I define my is not accepted at least by a certain number of people in Thailand and at least some are disgusting enough to try to do something against it which results in programming of my mind with the intention to change it.
Well, idiotic Thais don't have to tell me anything! I know too many Thais as arrogant and stupid. But they affect me with this programming which is possibly done by psychic attacks not far from me.
I assume this has to be learned. I would like to know if there is anybody who wants to share such knowledge.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Monsters of Chaiya

Today afternoon I tried to meditate more than usual. I will try to keep it up to get out of my depression and meditation is simply the best means I know to achieve that.About 2 hours later I woke up, What I noticed in my mind let me assume that I just had a lot of programming to keep me down.
I went out and found the man of house number one of our block doing psychic attacks on me contacting me over energy with sexual abusing feelings. The third time the few days I am there. The first time it was very strong. But I  state I am not really sure that he did it the first time.
Programming and stimulation was strong. A horrible part of it is that positive feelings with the abuse got strenghtened very much. So in future stimulation of bad sex may overpower my senses and and people aroung may be going for more than just for stimulation.
On the premises there are at the moment apart from me just three men, all of some bodily strength. The man I spoke about, another neighbor who joined psychic attacks related to abusing sex the last time and the son of the landlady who gave me to feel psychic attacks related to abusing sex some time ago and this time a little.
So I feel a threat that things can get worse there
I have no support there. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Is it advisable for an targeted individual to buy a more expensive bug detector ( 500 $ or more ) than such available for 200-250 $ to be able to detect implants and bugs.  Are the more expensive ones capable of detecting bugs in a farther distance lets say 10 m. Is the latter of bigger importance for victims?
The strong stimulation a few days before may have been by one of my neighbors. I got stimulation during the day now. Another neighbor also joined the stimulation the day after I had the heavy one.

Monday, May 21, 2012

In Padang Bezar in Thailand I had twice stimulation of abusing sex.
On the second day there was some police around the place where I stayed for some time.
The next day I had no stimulation of bad sex.
In Chaiya I had once very heavy stimulation of such.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I have more or less voices which are not my own and brainwashing to accept the western society as it is.
In the face that the western society is just staying for some time, it is in many areas just too weak not sustainable just another misery from western culture.
On the other hand I would not like to exchange it for something worse. But in some areas it is rather bad Psychiatry is an example.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I had  stimulation and programing of abusing sex in Padang Bezar in Thailand. This was announced before.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Ich stelle Programmierung fest. Es handelt sich um eine Akzeptanzprogrammierung von mainstream medien. Sie ist an Gefuehlt gekoppelt. Das Ganze geht schon eine ganze Weile vor sich und diese Programmierung wird stark.
Ich hatte wieder Programmierung von missbraeuchlichem Sex diese ist sehr stark gewesen. Ich habe Muehe diese aus dem Kopf zu bekommen.
Gestern hatte ich  starke Schikanen ueber Strahlen. Ich habe am Tag kaum etwas gemacht.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Ich hatte in Penang mehrmals Reprogramierung von mussbreauchlichem Sex. Das war schmerzhaft. stressig fuer den jeweiligen Tag. Die letzten beiden Tage war dann weniger los in dieser Hinsicht.
Meine Gesundheitsprobleme vergroessern sich durch diese permanenten Schikanen. An einem schikenenfreien Tag kann ich ohne Schmerzen die Treppe hochgehen,. sonst nicht.
Schwaches Herz, mein Augenlicht reagiert anscheinend auf den Terror und Depressionen. Die gesundheitlichen Problems koennen durch den Terror nur schwerlich besser werden. auch wenn ich fuer die Gesundheit etwas tuhe da der Terror die Ursache fuer die Probleme ist.
Ich habe oft Schmerzen in der linken Brust die bei Stress groesser werden.
Natuerlich beachte ich die wichtige Regel bei Krankheit eben nicht so einfach zu einem Arzt zu rennen.
Der macht dich mit chemischen Drogen mit deren Nebenwirkungen nur noch noch kraenker wenn der ueberhaupt zuhoert und sich mehr als ein paar Minuten Zeit nimmt und nicht nur Painkiller und Antibiotika
verschreibt. Aber wenn der sich Zeit nimmt kommt der vieleicht mit irgendwelchen teuren Tests oder
Behandlungen.. So sind Aerzte nunmal.

Ich fuerchte Thailand. Als ich auf dem Weg nach Malaysia in Surat Thani im Hotel Bandon schlief wurde ich wie frueher oft um 3 Uhr geweckt dann um 5 Uhr ueber Strahlung oder auch Energie von Menschen. Dies war dann begleitet von gestresst sein von den jeweiligen Angriffen. In Chaiya war nchts systematische Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex. Am ersten Tag war nichts aber dann ging es wieder los.
Es kann sein das der Terror deswegen  ist weil ich mich nicht so verhalte oder nicht so bin wie es irgendwelche Thaiidioten  erwarten. Das reicht dann um Terror zu befuerworten. Indizien dafuer hatte ich schon mal.
Ich habe natuerlich nicht das geringste Interesse irgendwelche Thaivorstellungen zu erfuellen.

Thailand hat ein ausgedehntes Gangstalking Terrorsystem das jeden an den meisten Orten in Thailand schikanieren kann. Nicht viel ueber Thailand. Auf der andere Seitespielt bei der Sache  auch
Korruption eine Sache.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Zwei Naechte in Penang und zweimal Stimulation von missbraeuchlichem Sex. Heute war aber noch mehr.
Ich war richtig zerschlagen als ich aufstand. Was das war merke ich wohl wieder spaeter.

Ich hatte so ungefaehr die letzten beiden Jahre nicht mehr so viel meditiert. Jetzt stelle ich fest das da Programmierungen sind die mich davon abhalten.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ich hatte wieder Stimulation von mussbreuchlichem Sex waehrend des Schlafes in Chaiya. Ich war gluecklich darueber das meine Allergien nach Jahren mich kaum noch plagten, aber jetzt verstaerkten sie sich  wieder.

ich hatte mit einer Art von Sex zu tun die leidvoll fuer mich war  und ich bin froh  das ich nach Jahren emotionaler Arbeit  innerlich Distanz zu diesem habe.
Was mich fertigmacht ist das versucht wird diesen nicht gewollten also missbraeuchlichen Sex rezuprogrammieren.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I have programming to a social democrat. There is also arguing to follow this terror organisaton.
Fortunately there is no terror at the moment. But this has a reason. My health is comprimised.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I had such hard harassment today in sleep that I did not do much the day. I intended to but I just lied down or sat down most of the day. It was worse than once in Singapore in once.
Voices say they want to destroy me. sometimes they say why don't you travel there or there. With that the countries is Asia certainly get more money from me.
It is probable that they will try to destroy me and make a lead a life they accept. That would be in a home for disabled.
I have decided not to go alife there. I hope I am consequent enough. I do not know if I can stand the terror. Voices threaten to do this terror some days until I can't move anymore. And in Malaysia they would do something in a hospital to me. Just voices or more. I do not know.
Thailand is probably a miserable country for me to go to. They only accept you when you fit into their heads. If not you get immideately rejection. Some idiots behavior which is spread so to say Thai standard. I anyway have decided not to learn from Thais. I have had a lot of negativity in Thailand.
the next days will show if they will destroy me or if it was just voices. But in the place where I am now in Chaiya there is a bunch of idiots around and some of which support and supported this heavy terror also in the past.
I do not know how to find out and survive.

Friday, April 20, 2012

I have hard brainwashing in Thailand now.
Hard programming to a gay.
Hard programming to accept mainstream medicine and not going for natural solutions.
Hard programming to a German social democrat.

The reason they do this. is much programming is that i politically do not agree
with the social democrats. So they have to make me believe in their ideas
like mainsteam medicine.
I hope I get this out of my head
But I hope more people see what a tyranny the west actually is behind its lies.

I proabably have to leave Thailand and go to a county which is not in line with the mainstream
and do not support such that easily. To many Thais gave actually also a chit for human rights to
my experience and enjoyed harassing me. So I do not wonder that I have this chit again.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

yesterday I looked up something on the Internet I wanted to buy. I selected one item and wanted to pay it, the Internet connection then interrupted and finished.
Today I looked up the same item but they were everywhere 25 to 50% more expensive.

Not long ago I lost quiet some money because also there was some tricking on the Internet. There is large scale manipulation of the Internet and other stuff including the precious metals market which can be done only by very powerful people and groups like governments.

So one of the most important tasks for the people is to get governments much more under control. It is important to leash government members. That is what people have to learn and execute to escape tyranny.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Soleilmavis’ case summary on mind control torture and abuse


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I have every time asleep in Georgetown in Penang stimulation of abusing sex.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

I had stimulation and programming of abusing sex this time asleep in Penang.
I notice the landlady has a negative attitude towards me this may be support to allow or support harassment.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

I had stimulation of abusing sex and severe programming to a gay last time asleep.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The last days I had again stronger stimulation of abusing sex during sleep. I feel sick during the last time. But going to the doctor makes no sense. He will shortly listen and then describe painkiller and antibiotics.

Monday, April 02, 2012

I had three days stimulation of sex with violence during sleep but now two day no more of such.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I slept this time in Singapore. I had hard stimulation of abusing sex and needed hours to recover partly from it.

I assume it was psychic attacks from peoples minds which I have from sometimes from some idiots but I can be organized harassment. That my vulnerability is abused for this purpose. Psychic attacks I call when someone contacts me over energy not by touching or talking. You feel it if someone stimulates sexual feelings with you. If the person stimulates bad feelings you get stress you will feel that more or less.
During sleep the effect is much worse because the human body is 10 times more vulnerable to radiation than awake.

I had voices which said up to now I did not have harassment in Singapore but now they would try. Well, I had sexual harassment during sleep before in Singapore. Such harassment is difficult to catch because it is over human radiation.
I welcome any hints which lead me to getting those who did it. In the morning there were several people repeating such humiliating contact but I do not know who did the hard ones. Hints are welcome. Humans can sense such stuff.

Electronic stimulation of such feelings is is also possible. I know it is. I caught it already. But I do not know enough to go against it and protect against it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I had again stimulation of abusing sex and programming of acceptance of gay sex. Thought Reform is tried in Melacca. And some things make me assume that people here are involved.

When I then the next day after such programming go to a restaurant in some it is like this that people start to stimulate gay related feelings much more than on days I did not have such programming. Sometimes then I react aggressive in a way which is not complete proper. I try to improve this. When I get to feel unasked gay feelings from people I do not know I think I will not necessarily be friendly then just clearer in my expression that I do not want such.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I had massive programming of accepting abusing sex and even going for it myself in Melacca.
The last days again stimulation of abusing sex every time during sleep.
Melaka is one of the worst places if not the worst I have met the last time related to sexual harassment. Such harassment seems to be an integrated part in this city.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I had again stimulation of abusing sex during sleep.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I had last time asleep again stimulation of abusing sex. I spent much time of the day in bed.
U.S. military unveils ‘Active Denial’ heat ray weapon


I am since over 16 years a target of something which comes from anywhere, I can't hear it, I can't see it, I can't smell it, I just feel it. Pain, programming of my mind, stimulation of abusing sex. I hear also voices, which I think are not my own.

Authorities you cannot talk to about this. You may be labeled insane. But such stuff exists and is extensively abused on many people. I have in this forum published a list of over 1000 people who complained about this. But there are many more, because many do not do any activism about this or ate organized elsewhere.

We need public support. Investigations are necessary. But there is the problem that I noticed in Germany several police officer inside the terror.

It is not easy to go ahead with this problem.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Es sieht so aus als ob ich Programmierung haette bestimmte Zeitungen zu lesen. Erwuenscht ist bei dieser Programmierung zum Beispiel der Spiegel nicht erwuenscht ist zum Beispiel die jungewelt (kommunisten)

Thursday, March 08, 2012

I had once hard stimulation of abusing sex which robbed me much energy and make me weak.
The last time I had several times tension and pain on the left side of the chest.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

I had very strong programming of abusing sex this morning asleep. This did not steel my power. But I have a lot of work to do to get out of the programming. I do not know if I can do this in one day. They steel my time and I do not know if I get out of all programming. Quite often I have long talks. This is information the brain uses. So they can change your way of thinking if you are not aware of all they try and counter it. There were also voices saying that they want to get me and massive programming to a social democrat.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Voices announced harassment. The last time their announcements were right.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

I was in Singapore a few days and had some stimulation of abusing sex once.
In Malaysia again I had stronger stimulation of abusing sex. I slept much of the day.
I have questioned Muslime rule before that was because I had until about 5 years ago massive stimulation of abusing sex in Malaysia in Penang. I have not forgotten that.
And now I have this hard stuff in Melacca while Penang has become better.
I also noticed with Muslims in Singapore that there is a anyway wrong development related to sex with too many Muslims which they turn then against me.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I had yesterday an announcement as voice in my head that I would have harassment in Singapore. I had some stimuulation of abusing sex in the morning.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Last morning sleeping again in Malaysia I had very strong sexual harassment during sleep. I remained much of the day in bed.
This stimulation is often bringing me down, reprogramming abusive sex, a real sexual abuse but not not recognized as such if I am not wrong. It involves no touch just the stimulation over radiation which also human beings can do.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today I had again stimulation of abusing sex. Harassment just switched to another sort of abuse. I am not satisfied with my stay in Malaysia because or this. It makes eveyday day miserable the whole harassment destroys actually my life. I do not know which perverts decide and oranize such. Okay, when you are mainstream you can easily go that mad and do such stuff. Being mainstream is not yet recognized as a mental disease so such people can be that mad and are considered as normal.

Monday, February 20, 2012

There seems to be brainwashing included what I have here in Malaysia.
Brainwashing to a social democrat.
I do not accept such a Muslim rule anymore.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I had yesterday heavy stimulation of abusing sex. Today again but less.

Monday, February 13, 2012

I had again stimulation of abusing sex and I notice that the last days there has been programming or say it brainwashing to like the German mainstream especially the newspaper "Die Zeit". I had voices to this.
"Die Zeit" would be "sozialliberal". I know it had writers like
the former chancelor Helmut Schmidt and minister of economics Graf Lambsdorf. For me it represents mainstream spirit and with such tends to be a onesighted and limited while pretending to give the whole view. It is just not interesting to read.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ich vermute das der Osteuropaer der bis Samstag morgen im gleichen Dorm wie ich war ein Gangstalker ist. Ich hatte Stimmen das der Terror auch ohne ihn weiter ginge und ich hatte wieder massive Stimulierung von
missbraeuchlichem Sex im Schlaf und auch Programmierung in meine Traeume.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

I am for a few days in Singapore now and had every time asleep stimulation of abusing sex. I have this for many years now.
When it is more than just a bit such stimulation means a lot of stress fof me and I often need hours to recover from this or the whole day. This stimulation often means also reprogramming of abusing sex which means deprogramming or worse slide into abusive thinking or behavior.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

I changed the guesthouse but have stimulation of bad sex the days I am there.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I acturally have every time asleep stimulation of abusing sex. I assume there are psychic attacks of people there but there is also the possibility of electronic ones.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I have now programming just of another abusive sex.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I often think about writing about MC and to do something about it.
But I recognize there is mental influence to suppress such. I just don't think of it until the day is over.

I had again stimulation of abusing sex the last time but not that strong. It is actually programming. Programming of enthusiasm towards such sex. It is very strong. So the desire towards such sex arises.
But when I deprogram such long time (hours) the desire towards such sex is weak or actually not there.
I can do the deprogramming because I now know some of the programs used. I noticed them over time.

Yeah, they also tried to program to make me believe I could fly.
I had often dreams with such stuff in it, me flying. It is unrealistic that such dreams are from me.
I think you must have your mind run far down to believe you could fly.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I had the last time nearly every time asleep stimulation of abusing sex. Yesterday it was not. This time it started again. Voices announced the break yesterday and also it would start again yesterday.